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Sorry for the new thread, but I didn't want this to get lost in the other discussion. I'm among the lucky right now. They were able to restore our power after 35 hours without.

The storm itself was very scary. We suffered some roof damage, and part of our fence was blown down. I'm in shock at what I'm finally seeing on the news. Whole cities including New Orleans are under water. An entire parish is now part of the Gulf. We have many friends who have lost everything. My heart is breaking for them, and the beautiful, gracious French Quarter which will never, ever be the same.

I'm exhausted now. I just wanted to say hello and let those of you who care know that my family and I are safe. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. I would also like to strongly encourage those of you who want to do something to help to donate to the Red Cross. Any little bit will help. Go to: www.redcross.org



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Glad to hear everyone in your home is OK . After seeing some of the damage on the news reports we were all a little worried.

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Yes, good to hear that you are all ok!! We have been following the news, as well. The destruction is beyond belief!!

What did the doggies think of the storm??? Mine are awful during thunderstorms......


Cathy and Piper

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Guest pepandfriend'smom

That is great news that you all are ok and have your power back. I definitely am going to contribute to the Red Cross effort. This has been so awful.

Pam (posting as Pepandfriend's mom)

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And thank you for checking in. You know how us worry-warts are.

I can't believe the devestation....one man they interviewed said "downtown looked like Baghdad. So very sad and yes, we will donate.

Stay safe.

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I am so glad that you are ok! Will certainly go to the Red Cross page and donate! I can't imagine what it feels like to loose everything that you have worked so hard for. In times like this, I often wonder how many of those affected actually had flood insurance. Such a sad situation...

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest mrskti

Wow, you have power? Thats really great!!! Glad to hear you did pretty good compared to a lot of places down there. It truly is a disaster down there, our check will go out to the Red Cross today...so sad.....

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Great to read that you're among the more fortunate and that you had your power restored. My prayers are w/ these poor people. We too are donating to Red Cross.

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Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Oh I'm so glad you are safe!! We will contribute to the Red Cross.

Thank you for letting us all know that your safe. :)

Try to get some rest. :thumbsup:


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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The pictures on the news and in the paper are heartbreaking. It's such a relief to hear from you - it's kind of you to check in.

I hope the help and aid that is on the way from Red Cross and other organizations and individuals is of some use and comfort to those who need it most.

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Thank God!! Thank you so much for checking in with "family" and letting us know that you are as okay as you can be. It is now time for the rest of the Cairn family to roll up our sleeves!

Take care

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We had a good bit of wind and rain from Katrina in Memphis Tuesday night. While cleaning up from our ONE downed tree yesterday and grumbling, I was struck with how fortunate we were that it was just a tree! We are praying for those in New Orleans and other areas of damage, and plan to help where we can. I actually work in a ministry, and we do help where possible. Glad your pups are doing okay. I've thought a lot about the poor animals that were left behind when their owners had to flee. Don't know that I could leave Tink :( .



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I'm so glad you are okay! The devastation is overwhelming. The only redeeming quality of a tragedy like this is the news clips we're seeing of people helping each other. Its times like this that remind us what it means to be a human being with an obligation to help our neighbors.

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. The dogs were definitely nervous during the storm. I know they were picking up on our anxiety. One funny thing, tho. During the storm, but at what seemed like a lull in the winds, I had to take the dogs out to do their business. Rocky, my oldest and biggest, looked at me with a look that said, "Uh, I think I'll hold it, thank you!" and walked back into the house. Scruffy wasn't budging from under the carport until I shoved his little butt out into the grass. He quickly found a spot, did his business and ran back under the carport. Tucker, on the other hand, jauntily trotted out into the wind and rain, with that ornery gleam in his eyes, and started chasing the leaves that were being blown all around! He thought it was a show all for him and was loving every minute of it! He was my comic relief during a terrible day. :P


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Thela, I'm so grateful that you, your family and your "little ones" are safe and sound. It goes without saying that my family will donate to the Red Cross.

I cannot believe the devastation and I can't even imagine how you begin again after all that. It just burns my butt no end with the stories and photos of all the looting.

Continued good thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by this horrific event.

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"Many of those who were rescued brought their pets - dogs, cats and even snakes - with them.

"Tell my parents their son is fine and I'm being evacuated," said Scott Radish, 25, as he stumbled up the concrete ramp with seven Cairn terriers that belong to his absent mom and dad - and two cats.

Judy Martin mourned not only for her mother who drowned but also for the two dogs, Tuppence and Peri, she had to leave behind."

**I just read that in an article on the USA Today web site.  I just can't imagine what they are going through down there. Yay for Scott Radish.  I pronounce him an honorary Cairn Talk member.  My prayers are with all the survivors.

***couldn't spell honorary. I'm a bad speller.


I posted this in the other thread last night. Can you imagine bringing 7 Cairns and 2 cats out through the flood waters?? Sometimes it's all I can do to walk my 2 on one leash with the coupler. I'm amazed.

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We are so glad you and your family are ok, I am sorry for all those people when I see the news, I can't even comprehend how devistating this storm was. :pray:

Tuff & Tippy

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Wow- Thela: I'm glad your okay-

I can't even imagine what it's like down there. I'm pretty far away and I measured 3-1/4" of rain on Tuesday when I got home from work- the rain gage was over flowing. And another 1" in the gage Wed morning. And I live outside of Cincinnati Ohio, and that's just from what was left of the storm.

My company announced that they are donating 500k, and matching employee donations.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Tracy.....yay for your company!!! Mine is still in a "meeting". I wonder if, as a Cairn family, we can donate and throw out a challenge to our other dog loving friends on line to meet or beat us? Our little guys may be small but they are mighty, just like our little family.


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