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Shadow's Contest...

Guest rottndobie

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Guest rottndobie

I haven't wanted to hound this forum for votes since Shadow has been maintaining a lead since mid last week. However, :shock: now it looks like Casey/Rosy are making a last ditch effort to win... So, all votes would be more then appreciated :wub: The count as of now is: Shadow, 754; Casey/Rosie, 694 (they were way behind last week) and Dino is down at 640.


Thanks again everyone here for making this win a very real possibility ;)

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Guest rottndobie

Shadow WON the Terrier Contest... woohoo.gif

Many thanks to all of you who voted for him, it would not have been possible without everyone here. clap.gif WOW did the voting go high... Shadow ended up with 910 votes to Casey/Rosie's 805. Last contest for me..lol. was way to stressing. We didn't win anything of note but here is a link to the Terrier website that now displays his plaque - http://www.terrierclub.com/bestofshow.htm

You will have to choose "Past Winners" icon and then go from there.. There is no direct link to his plaque...


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