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Advantage Flea Control Question


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Does anyone use Advantage Flea Control over another brand or does it really matter? I see so many brands but wanted to get a consensus of what others are using, thanks.

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Another Frontline plus user. No fleas.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

I use Frontline on Darcy and Molly. It works fine on Darcy, but Molly has a skin allergy so I've tried Advantage in place of Frontline - no difference. My vet doesn't carry the Frontline Plus, so I don't know what the difference is. I think one kills the fleas and eggs and one kills the fleas. Anyone else know what the difference between the two is?

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Guest rottndobie
Does anyone use Advantage Flea Control over another brand or does it really matter?  I see so many brands but wanted to get a consensus of what others are using, thanks.


I too have always used Frontline. There are a few very good reasons: 1) it only stays on the subcutanious part of the skin and does not go throughout the body. IOW, is not filtered out by the liver or kidneys. Advantage does go into the body and could cause liver/kidney problems and 2) it does not have to be applied every month like Advantage does. It is residule for 2-3 mos for fleas. I reapply about every 2.5 mos and 3) If you are in a tick area, Advantage does not do anything whereas Frontline kills ticks for 1 month.

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After discussion with our vet, we went with Frontline Plus over Advantage. We apply Frontline Plus every month, from March through December. I do notice that it gets his fur a bit oily for a day or so after application.

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