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My dog has Prostate Cancer


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I have a 14 year old Cairn named Shane. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in February of this year. The vet put him on pain medication that he really didn't need until about three weeks ago. Now he pants almost non stop. There was a small heart murmur but that was the lesser of the two medical problems.

He didn't act like he was sick until about 10 days ago when his incontinence really increased. Now he sleeps most of the time. I think I'm getting ready to let him go, too. I can't bear to see him like this. He looks so lost and alone in the house, even when I'm with him. I hold him and he doesn't seem to know I'm there. He wags his tail, he eats and goes outside sometimes. He rolls over from one side to the other for quite a while to get comfortable.

The vet said when his time comes he would just stop eating and drinking and going to the bathroom. The vet said I would know when the time came to put him to sleep.

I'm apologize for this being so long, but I think, I feel, he's really close to the end.

What am I going to do without Shane? He is my friend, my companion and my confidant.

Any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated.

Debbie J.

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My heart goes out to you! I'm so sorry to hear about Shane. You are right, that you will have to let him go soon. It is the very kindest and most loving thing you can do. I would hope that you would be there with him when it's time for him to cross the Rainbow Bridge, so that he can smell you and feel comforted and go without fear. Really, you will know when the time is right. He will let you know that he's ready. You can read it in his eyes and his body language, and even though it will be difficult, you must do it for him.

I'm so very sorry that you will be losing your friend and confidant. No words can help you right now, but time will heal your heart eventually.


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Hi Debby,

I read your posting before and couldn't find the right words.

But now I hope what I am trying to say will not seem too strange to hear. Many people who have "lost" their pets gather on the ADC board, and find hope again.


(Just as we are more than our bodies, so are our pets.)

With love,


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Hi Debbie, I know what you're feeling. It will be 8 weeks ago on Friday that we had our Lucy put to sleep due to renal failure at age (almost) 14. I won't kid you, it's been a tough road to hoe without her but we've managed. In the beginning I thought I'd really go crazy without her but gradually I've gotten used to her not being here. I don't like it but I've gotten used to it. (I will never forget her but we have found a new puppy. She will be coming to our house in three weeks.) I found it helpful to make a scrapbook about Lucy and a memory box filled with some of her favorite things, her leash and collar and some of her hair and a crystal container with her ashes. We also planted a garden in her honor with our three boys, consisting of a white azalea and red impatiens (I will also plant red tulips this fall) and I am going to order a memorial plaque for the garden. Those are just a few things we chose to do as a family to honor her memory.

As far as Shane's illness, you will know when it's time. We knew with Lucy. I just couldn't stand to see her suffer. So when she stopped eating and then drinking, we just knew it was her time. And it was very peaceful for her. I held her right until the very end. It comforted her and me. The tears are rolling down my face as I type this. I wish you the best and if you ever need to talk about it, just send me a private message. I so feel your pain. They are our best friends.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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I also feel your pain of the agonizing time you and Shane are going through right now. I went through it with my Maggie 10yrs from an auto immune disease. I was given 4 days from the time she was diagnosed to the time I had to put her down. She stopped eating, drinking and could barely walk by the fourth day. That was a year ago, I now have Max who is 10 months old. I still look at Maggies pictures hanging on my wall and am thankful everyday for the sunshine she brought into my life. They are truely our best friends without judgement. I truely feel God places each little soul in our lives to make it a better place. It is up to us to know when to let go and help them with something they can not ask for outloud. You will know when it is right, just be honest with yourself. I will say a prayer for you and Shane.



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  • 2 weeks later...

After some very bad days, I put Shane to sleep on June 2. He just got so sick and had lost all of his dignity. He told me with his eyes that he had enough of being sick.

The folks at Banfield Pet Hospital were wonderful and there wasn't a dry eye in the place. They were very supportive of both Shane and me.

I still hear him coming down the hall and shaking his collar. I expect him to be sitting on the couch or jumped up on the bed. I know time will put all of these ghosts in perspective, but for now I still feel his presence in the house. I plan to get another Cairn, but not right now.

I asked a lady at church if there was a separate dog heaven. She said God would provide everything I need when I get there. Now I know Shane will be there to greet me.

Thank you for all of your notes and warm thoughts and prayers.

Debbie Joyner

Rancho Cordova, CA

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I'm very sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose a close companion after many years together, and it leaves such a huge void. When my Sydney died, I could hear her in the house too. I could hear her breathing, like she was sitting behind me. Sometimes I could hear her coming up the steps. I thought maybe she was checking to make sure I was doing all right. I didn't hear her anymore after I got Nikki. I'd like to think she was satisfied that I'd be all right and was able to rest in peace. I truly believe I will be reunited with her someday.


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hi deb, so sorry for your loss.We had a female name toto who was 12 an had cancer, she was panting which i heard that this was pain that they were in and I could not let her be in that much pain. It hurts so bad to have to put them away, because they are our babies and they love us so much and they are so loving to us. I am crying right now writing this and feeling the loss of shane and what you are going through. I have had a dog all my life so I could not see me with out one, we now have a 7 mo. male cairn name scamp and believe me he is a :twisted: we bought him at 5 mo. he almost train but sometimes pees in the house than runs the little :twisted: having another dog help me not to cry all the time. take care :angel:

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  • 3 months later...

:D I am pleased to announce the search for a new dog has begun! I filled out the application for a Cairn through Col Potters Cairn Rescue Network.

Many hard days have passed and I can't really imagine going without a dog much longer. A huge "thank you" to all who posted words of encouragement and hope during my days and nights of sorrow and grief. You helped me get to today.

Wish me luck on finding that special little someone with four feet and a tail.

I'm looking for a female, 7 years plus, a senior dog, with a good attutide and can tolerate a senior cat. Lots of love, lots of hugs and will travel sometimes.

Thanks again,

Debbie Joyner

Sacramento, CA

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Hi! I truly empathize with the loss of your beloved Shane. I have had a total of 5 dogs in my lifetime and each one gave me something special! I had never owned a Cairn before - - always golden retrievers and labs - - until I got Riley about 5 months ago. He was diagnosed with 2 liver shunts and will be operated on in 2 days - - the prognosis is risky but his only chance for a normal life. He is my "ray of sunshine" - - I just love this lil guy enormously. He is only a puppy but already he has given me more than a lifetime of love and kisses! I guess what I am trying to say is that - - like people - - some pets are here only for a little while - - we love them for as long as we can- - and then let go. Take solace in the fact that you gave him a loving home and a good life. Take your time getting another dog - - give yourself some room for grieving. Your memories will comfort you and give you joy in the years to come. Take care . . . . .

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Debbie, you will be so glad you have another pet to love. We got our Piper on June 14, two months after losing our little Lucy. I won't kid you, it was a bit rough at first because we still missed our Lucy and were looking for her in Piper. But gradually, Piper has wormed her way into our hearts and become a permanent fixture. I still do and always will miss my sweet Lucy but I know she had to go. It was her time. Piper has helped me fill the void left in Lucy's absence and has created new memories all her own. Good luck!!!!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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