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New Pics


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Hello All, I'm fairly new to the forum as well. Thanks for all the tips on food and bathing earlier in the month. Here are a couple of new pics. Simba was so tired he just crashed right on my slipper.



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Welcome to the family!

OMG, how cute is Simba - especially in the last picture. That's priceless. I really love his name too.

We can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories of the Adventures of Simba.

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Could Simba be ANY cuter????!!!!!! He's such a doll! That slipper picture is absolutely hilarious and adorable!!!! Enjoy him and welcome! Make sure you take lots of pictures of him now while he's little. We didn't take nearly as many pictures of Darcy in the first month we had her and then she just sprouted like a weed. That's my biggest regret. Have a blast with him! :wub:

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Guest mrskti

oh my gosh, how cute is that!!!! Simba is a sweetheart!!! Welcome to the group! And of course we'll need more picutes....it's a rule! :P

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What a cutie!!! The slipper picture is great! I just want to rub his little puppy belly!!! Keep the pictures coming!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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