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Calling All Northwest Cairns


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I don't know how many folks check the calendar on the CTF front page. Just in case, if you're within striking distance of Lewis and Clark State Park near Chehalis Washington I hope you're planning to come up/down/over for the 8th Annual Racing Day & Picnic sponsored by the Cascade and the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Clubs on Saturday, September 3.

Fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest! Could it be yours? Find out Labor Day Weekend. Join two Northwest Cairn Terrier Clubs for a day of Cairn racing, games, contests, costume and rescue parades, grooming, flyball demos, raffles, socializing, prizes, and picnic. All Cairn lovers welcome.

More info in the calendar entry.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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:sick: I think I am coming down w/the one day flu. Hopefully, it might hit that day!!!

I will have to think about this long and hard.....


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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It sounds like fun, but I think 995 miles is a wee bit to far to drive on a holiday weekend :whistle: If anything like that comes about 900 miles south we would be there with bells on :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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  • 2 weeks later...


I thought I should offer a brief summary of the Cascade and Columbia River club's Race Day and Picnic. I don't have any photos but I saw quite a few cameras so perhaps some pics will filter in. If we ever get any posted on the local clubs' web sites, I'll link to them later.

We feared the worst for attendance, given the recent rise in gas prices and generalized guilt over having a fun event whilst still saturated with the sad, surreal, yet too-real aftermath of the hurricane. From a personal perspective the weekend started with immense sadness as I attended a memorial Friday morning for an earthdogging friend who died suddenly on Monday.

However, our dogs teach us many lessons, and one of them is to live in the moment, to be ever ready for a tail-wag and a bit of adventure. Fortunately, many listened to the wisdom of their dogs and the day proved to be a success after all. Herewith some of the results of the day, as best I can reconstruct it...

  • Number of Cairns registering for activities: 69
  • Number of people attending: 54 (approximately)
  • Number of dogs in title races: 50
  • Number of puppies in kinder run: 7
  • Number of puppies in pupathlon: 9

Field Events

  • P-Mail Kiosk: Geordie marked the P-post with the most accuracy, altitude, and attitude (Jill Arnel)
  • Department of CairnLand Security qualifying exam: 22 of 35 dogs passed, correctly identifying the contents of three 'suspicious objects'
  • Hot-dog bobbing contest winner: Hallie, eating 12 slices in 34.9 seconds (Alia Best)
  • Best Kisser: Gemma, offering 36 kisses in 15 seconds (Pat Gentry)
  • Costume contest winner: Luke, dressed as "Luke Sidewalker" (Mayumi and Steve Colson)
  • Pupathlon winner: McKenzie was top combined scorer in the pupathlon, a series of small events for pups under one year (Vicki Havlik)
  • Plate of Merit Award: Mary, for distinguished racing (Vicki Havlik)

Racing Results

  • Kinder run (under six months): Hobbs (Bobbi Fykerud)
  • Fastest Veteran: Barley (Peggy Appel and Brad LaBroad)
  • Fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest: Tarry, winning for the third consecutive year! A true athlete and gentlemanly competitor, expertly conditioned and loved by Bette Shuh.

In addition to the various sporting events, there was a 'weights and measures' clinic for folks to have their dogs wicketed and weighed (nearly 40 participated), a flyball demo, a Rally Obedience course, and several grooming coaches provided one-one, personalized grooming advice and coaching for folks wishing to learn more about Cairn grooming for home or show.

In addition to the activities, there was a terrific potluck, with the sponsoring clubs providing grilled sausages with all the fixings, and talented attendees bringing a bounty of delicious main courses, salads, and deserts. A much-coveted Cairn-themed platter was won in a raffle by Jane Stump.

I'm afraid to begin a list of all those who need thanking because inevitably I forget someone and feel terrible for months after. I hope it is clear that it takes a collective, and considerable, effort from setup to cleanup to put on the day, and both clubs are blessed with many hardworking and generous members. I hope the satisfaction of seeing so many smiling faces and wagging tails is as much a reward for others as it is for us.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Some pictures sent to me by Vicki Havlik ...

Newly deputized agents of the Department of CairnLand Security: Homer, Sammy, Mary, and Tad - protecting us all from suspicious canisters containing Rat Shavings, Giant Milkbone Biscuits, or Empty Air. The humans are Judge Tom, Rachel, and Vicki.


Pupathlon - McKenzie, the winner of a four-part event involving being photogenic, running through a tunnel, kissing, and racing.


Plate of Merit - this award can be for anything. In this case, Mary was in the final heat for fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest, running against our about-to-be-crowned three-time champion. Mary never lost a single qualifying heat on her way to the finals.


CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Thanks for sharing, Brad.

Sounds like a fun day was had by all. Sure wish I lived closer to join in!

Those Cairns are ALL adorable, ALL winners!!!!!!!!


Cathy and Piper

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Movie of the final heat: Mary, Gracie, and the Fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest, Tarry!


The attachment is in WMV (Windows movie) format - if it doesn't play in your browser you may have to right-click and save the file onto your desktop. If that doesn't work ... sorry! I don't know much about web movies.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Sounds like a good time was had by all! I had been planning on attending, but my mother in law who is suffering from cancer the past two years, got quite ill and was put in the hospital last week. I couldn't see being that far away incase I had to be here in a hurry. Next year I plan on being there! Thanks for the pictures!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Looks like everyone had a great time. Wish it were closer to GA!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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