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Oh crikey....


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About a year or so ago, I bought for Cooper a squeeky barbell like toy that Hartz makes that is called a tough chew. Well, this past week, one end of it finally came off....it was a record! I finally got to see what was inside....it's filled with a soft foam and covered in a pliable rubber. Buried deep inside in parts unknown is a :shock: dreaded SQUEEKER!!! I seem to have forgot that part of it the first time I bought one! OMG......no sooner did I put it on the floor than squeek squeek squeek.....this is going to be a loooooong night!

It was funny though....when the other one came apart the other night, I put it up on the bookcase because it was close and handy and yesterday I hear Cooper whining and I can see the recliner moving rapidly....I had to go look. He was standing as close as he could get on the edge of the recliner stretched out to about six inches longer than normal trying to reach 1.5 more feet to reach his prized possession....I was wishing I had the camera at hand, but didn't. It was quite a sight!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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That last part sounds overwelmingly adorable. -^_^- I can't wait to get my dearest Captain Jack Sparrow! Tomorrow! (possibly) EEE!

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Cooper, the little rip has hidden his new replacement toy not only from his brother, Yoda, but from me!!! I tore the living room/dining room apart for 20 mins looking for. I go in and sit back at the computer, a minute later, what do I hear????? squeek squeek squeek!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest mrskti

I know it should be annoying as all get out, but when i see ellie walking along just pumping her jaws making it squeek, i just crack up!!! I think they're bored with their toys, i need to go shopping.....:)

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That last part of your post does sound funny when I visualize it. :D When I hear my cairns squeaking away on their toys, I smile because I know they're happy. :) If you think a squeaky is too loud of a noise, you can borrow (better yet, have :lol: ) my dh's cockatoo when he's in his "squawking" mood. :w00t:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Oh, I know what you mean about birds! We had one that made fire truck sounds, alarm clock sounds, barking dogs sounds, whining puppy sounds......he went to live w/my nephew and just died in the past year...we think we was about 30 years old & was a cockatiel whose name was Pita.

I think it is hysterical that Cooper hides this toy from Yoda and me!!! He used to hide things when he was a puppy and I found it quite endearing....but when I want to find something is another story.

But yep, squeek, squeek, squeek....


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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