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Faux Carin

Darcy's Folks

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Hi All, I have been reading your forums for a long time now and thought I would post something.

My wife and I had been deciding on a Terrier for a while now. We were debating between a Carin and a Westie. One day, we ran across a rescue group adopting two Westie/Chihuahua mix puppies. There was a smooth coat and a wire coat. We fell in love instantly and felt that it was a good thing to adopt. We would have taken them both, but one was already spoken for. We ended up with the wirehair and are soo happy with her.

Reading these forums has helped a lot as she has many Cairn qualities and personality. She is also often mistaken for a Cairn.

I hope you don't mind us invading your board, but I thought you might like to see some pics of Darcy.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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OMG..... I am in puppy love!!!

Welcome by the way. What a precious little face. Thank you for sharing.

One of these days I'll figure out the whole picture thing. It is beyond me at this point :huh:

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Yes, her ears are quite large, but she has grown into them from those pics. She is 8months old now. Those were taken in the 8week-6mo range. Her coat has also filled quite a bit. Perhaps I will get some shots of her after her grooming appt next week.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh my, what a doll baby!!! I love her. Keep the pics coming. :wub:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Guest rottndobie

What an adorable pup. I would say she looks pretty much like a Cairn to me too. I don't see anything of the Chi...(that is a good thing...lol). Perhaps the other one had more Chi in her as her coat was smooth....

Good for you in adopting Darcy. I also have a rescued Cairn, Shadow and have to say that the rescued guys do make the best companions...

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Congrats on your new addition...she's adorable!!!!!!!!!! I think she looks alot like a Cairn too......and most Cairn do look like they are all ears until they grow into them.

BTW, you take great pictures....I love Darcy's expressions!

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Thanks for the kind words. We do love her a lot. I do have to give my wife credit for most of the shots. Good thing we have a digital camera otherwise I think we would go broke from film costs. :D

Here are a couple more. Her first snow and first grape.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh my!! That is ALOT of snow!!

BTW....thought I better let you know that grapes are a 'no-no' for dogs :( . My two love them and hubby was forever 'dropping' them for our two. But, I found out thru this forum that they aren't good for them.


Cathy and Piper

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Thank you for the reply! We actually read up on that shortly after we had given it to her (in fact. I'm almost certain we had read it here). Have no fear, she hasn't had any since that photo.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Good morning and welcome to this wonderful forum.

She is adorable :wub: My Madison had ears like a jack rabbit when she was young and I thought she'd never grow into them.

Ah, the better to hear the treat jar being opened. :lol:

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AAwww she is a sweetie! She looks all Cairn. Love the snow photos! All that snow and one tiny gal! All the photos are sweet. Enjoy her she is a doll.


Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I love the "snow" pictures, we got Kai-lee this last March and never had much snow after that so we are dying to see how she likes it this winter. She only experienced a very very light dusting that you could hardly notice even in the grassy areas. I think she's going to have fun playing, but I dread the thought of taking her to do her "business".

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Welcome!!! I love your baby!!! She is precious and she really does look like a Cairn!!! Great pictures and I'm looking forward to more!!!!


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