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"Sharing" is not in a Cairn's vocabulary!


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Why is it that I can buy 3 of the same toys for my 3 Cairns, yet they still will fight over one? These were identical little yellow stuffed bones, yet Abbey insisted on taking Hannah's toy. Kiara also had her own, yet later that evening, she walked over and snuck off w/ a different one.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Adorable shot, Beth :) .

Yep, we go thru exactly the same scenario with our two. When I give them bully sticks, I check to make sure they are the same width, color, etc. For those of you who have tryed them, they can vary in colors and sizes. Toto STILL always wants Piper's no matter!!

It is rather fun to watch them go thru their song and dance to see who wins!!


Cathy and Piper

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Yep, must be a cairn trait! Our do this too. We will give them identical things and they sit across the room w/their respective toys/chews/bones and stare each other down then sooner or later do the swap!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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The last time I gave my 3 chews, I couldn't believe how fast Abbey finished hers. I even called her a little pig. I noticed how vocal she was being staring at Hannah still chewing hers and at first, I just thought she now wanted Hannah's. Hannah always takes her time, but it was like Abbey was trying to tell me something. I went over to Hannah and picked her up to find she had Abbey's chew hidden under her. These Cairns not only don't share, they steal and tattle on eachother. :D

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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very cute picture...... :wub:

Sane thing at my house. I too buy two of every toy.

Teona always wants what Tabitha has. Tabitha will be on the floor chewing on a bone and Teona will go lay down right at her face. Eventually tabitha's chewing moves to foot licking and Teona grabs the toy and runs................. :devil:

I had to stop giving the girls rawhide because Tabitha eats hers in seconds then wants to jump on Teona to take hers. It always causes a fight, so no more :whistle:

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Guest mrskti

Ditto! I buy two of everything, but they both want the same chewie....i just dont get it!!! Usually Ellie is the one that wins out....

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I think that it must be a terrier trait as both Duffy, my Cairn and Miki, my Westie are the same. They have (and I am REALLY embarrased to admit this) at least 50 stuffed squeaky toys in their room but neither one of them is happy unless they are trying to take one away from the other.


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Cute, cute picture!!!!!!!!

I think it's a Cairn thing too. Mine do not fight over toys or chewies and they can eat their food right next to each other.....but.......they NEVER want their chewie or toy! They always want what the other has. One will just chew and chew away, while the other one lays RIGHT next to her and stares....and as soon as the one with the bone or chewie turns her head....the other is off with it...quite comical at times!

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So true! I had to put Gidget in time out just yesterday. I gave both the girls a chewy. Grandma Greta the Min. Schnauzer who is 12 is very slow and takes her time when eating her chewy. Gidget on the other hand devours hers.

As soon as she finished hers, she walked by Greta and simply took the chewy right out of her mouth....trying to catch her to get it away from her was the fun part. She took Greta's chewy away twice....so to time out she went so that poor little Greta could chew in peace.

What is it with these little creatures? :twisted: So bossy!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Yes, we call our older female Cairn "Miss Bossy' all the time!!

Funny, but my male is nothing like that??


Cathy and Piper

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We go through the same thing It dosent matter if there more than one They think the others is better. They will even fight over the rawhide chewies, so I take all of them away when that starts happining. :mad: Mean Mom :D

Tuff & Tippy

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I think Brad is on to something because Rebel shared his frisbee with Sugar and she won't give it back now.....


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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It's mine, no it's mine, no I had it first. Mooooooom. And on and on..........

Two kids and one dog - and they still won't share. Rusty takes every stuffed animal he can manage to sneak out of my daughters room. :halo:

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