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We're getting a puppy!


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Hi guys I've been reading this forum for a few months now, and posted a few times,all the while very envious,as getting a cairn over here in Australia ended up being no easy task :confused:

Well finally we are getting our puppy,he is officially my ten year old son Rileys pup,but he will be my baby :P

Riley has named him Rebel (as in star wars),we were on the waiting list with one breeder who is expecting a litter any day, then I got a surprise email from a breeder I had contacted months earlier,a friend of hers(a highly respected breeder) had kept on two pups from her last litter, she decided on one, and was looking for a home for the other, he is exactly what we wanted, a male with a dark face, reddish/ brindled body,11 weeks old, she sent us photos of him last night and we fell in love :wub:

It's like it was meant to happen, he couldn't be more perfect if we had put in an order :lol:

He flys up on Friday :( poor baby wish I could drive down but it's a long drive /short flight .

I also wanted to say what a great forum this is, there is an ozcairn site but it's more breeders talking about shows ect. you guys are all so nice to each other, I've never seen any nasty stuff, it's a nice change,I recently planned a trip and was on the lonley planet forum alot :shock: that was scary!!!

So I even though most of your posting happens while I'm asleep I hope to soon have lots of stories to share :D

Now I have a mad shopping dash as I thought I still had weeks to go,what to buy :shock: ?Food,toys ,chews???

Thanks Deborah.

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Oh...how exciting!! A new puppy gives you the right to do some major shopping but don't forget paper towels and cleaners among the toys and playthings :lol:

He sounds absolutely gorgeous and of course you know we all expect pictures of him.

Keep us posted and enjoy.

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That's terrific news and we are ALL excited for you (okay, for your son too...LOL!)

Pictures.....we want pictures.....

As far as posting while we're asleep, well, speaking for myself somedays when I post I might as well be asleep!

Scully sends lots of Cairn kisses to Rebel and we wish you many many happy years ahead with him.

*Edited because I just made my own point - my sentence didn't make any sense and I'm supposedly wide awake!

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I'm so happy for you that you're finally adding a Cairn pup to your family. His colorings do sound gorgeous. I love brindles, have two myself. Can't wait to see his pictures. Happy shopping!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Like Kay said, Paper Towels - in the 8 or 10 pack if you can find them.

I've been going through them fast. A crate if your going that route (highly recommended)

enzyme cleaner

small breed doggy toys

adjustable collar size small

leash (you can get a retractable later )

Puppy treats, several boxes (these will come in handy)

Puppy Nylabone's (will come in very handy)

Some utility towels either from the house or bought- use this for bedding.

Unscented baby wipes (was suggestion from someone on the list, very handy these puppies like to dig and roll in things)

A soft bristle grooming brush (best to start early and it will help you remove stuff- and if you've read any posts recently you can use your imagination on what 'stuff'.

soft slicker brush (move to after puppy gets on well with bristle brush)

Small dog nail clippers (better to start early on this one too)

Bitter Apple Spray- or someother bitter spray (these guys come with the 'chew' option 'on' from the factory.

News paper if your using that option (we are using a crate and newspaper- but I think i'm a rare in this area)

Bag of puppy food that puppy is currently being fed.

Auto Water dispenser ( I leave one down in the kitchen- its great!)

Weighted Metal Dog Bowels (avoid ceramic or anything that could cut puppy if broken)

Pick up a Puppy book or two- very helpful in starting off right instead of having to correct behavior later. If you search the forum you'll find some that Brad posted, oh and the Home Vet guide book.

Digital Camera - or plenty of film and a scanner- We LOVE photos! hint!

Enjoy- they grow so fast! Oh and don't forget to have Humor- When they boys get to be too much, I just think of them as Gremlins and not puppies.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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WELCOME to Rebel!!! How fun. You and Riley and Rebel are in for a good time. Yes, please do remember the papertowels and cleaners.

PICTURES...very good

Logan sends puppy kisses and tail wags to Rebel.

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Congrats!!!!!!!!! I think you have gotten great advice so far. The only think I would add would be a digital camera....we are crazy for pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Yeah! More puppies! We should have a puppy corner?

Oh....great list that Mystic gave. I would add 2 x-pens.

One inside and the life saving (mine that is) outside. Grilly was

fine outside, he would stay right next to me and do his buisness.

Maddy on the other hand (that Helliott sister) would run all around

at a million miles a minute and do no buisness at all.........until

we got inside that is :whistle:

Good luck and remember to have fun!


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Besides all the junk everyone is telling you to purchase just be prepared for the new member of your family. The puppy will demand as much attention as you can give him. Unless you want him using your floor as his bathroom I suggest being prepared to take him out at least every hour at the start. I have a 7 month old and we take him out every two hours and he pretty much knows outside is where to go. He does have the very rare mistake but he knows he has done bad. When he goes in the house it is because we have negelcted to take him out in a timely manner. You need to also make sure you crate train him from the start. Talk to the breeder and if they are as good as you say then they will inform you of everything you need to do to have a happy and healthy friend for the next 12-15 years. Enjoy!

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Congrats on your Rebel. When I picked up Sugar I had pet wipes, pee pads, papertowels, and bags to put in any mess, water and something for them to drink it out of. I used a soft sided crate that fit under the airline seat. The breeder didn't feed Sugar in the morning because what goes in must come out. We went from California to Atlanta, with one layover in Colorado that ended up being 4 hours because of weather.

Good luck on your Rebel


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest Darcy's Mom

What? No Cairn in Australia? I know Australia is an island but ...no Cairns?

Seriously, congrats and welcome to the forum. These great folks on here are so very helpful when it comes to anything about Cairns. Just ask and ye shall receive an answer.

Great advice from all regarding supplies you will need. But the number 1 thing is LOVE!!! You can't help but fall in love with these little guys (mine happens to be a girl) Good luck and please post pics.

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G'day from across the ditch in NZ. I had a similar hard time finding a Cairn here. I think there is only one breeder in the whole country, with new stock being imported from Oz.

I'd add child-proof gates to the list if you want to cut off access to certain rooms (I use one in the laundry to barracade myself in whilst doing the ironing, otherwise hubby's shirts would have holes in the arms from little sharp teeth!), and a dogdoor if you have a ranchslider or any other glass door.

When I went to collect Fergus from the airport he was bouncing up & down in his crate so I told him to stay there while I went to open the car door, and then thought "how stupid was that - where is he going to go anyway?". I've had lots of stupid moments since and loved them all. Have fun!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Greetings and congratulations on finding a Cairn. Like yourself - we searched for several months to find our Cairn - a first dog for our family. Finally, he was born in April and adopted by end of June. :D It sounds like Rusty's color is similar to your new pup - red brindle. We adore our dog, he goes everywhere with us - 2 children, who wear him out daily and a neighborhood who as adopted him as well. Can't say enough about this breed - smart. Let me know if I can send any advice from my few months of puppy fun! :)

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:) we pick Rebel up from the airport at 3pm today, I'm letting the kids come home early from school so they can come.

:shy: Well I've learnt my first lesson, when I go shopping for fun puppy toys ect. I will be going to the local,we call them junk shops?(lots of cheap bits and peices).We went to a big pet supply shop and bought all kinds of stuff, Riley has read his cairn terrier book front to back, so he informed me that rebel needed this and that (one of every thing).Then later I was looking at the junk shop and a collar that was in the pet store for $14 was $5!!, there were lots of things that were 1/4 of the price :shock: how rude!

So we got ripped off big,big time!! :lol: but I don't care because we had sooo much fun and now I know were to get them cheap, if rebel is any thing like your dogs and kills all his toys it won't matter,some of the toys were even the same brand.

cheers Deb.

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