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I bought Scout and Finch some compressed bones yesterday. They loved them, especially since it's been a long time since they have had any. I won't give them to them unless I'm right there, so they are put up when I have to leave the room. They were in the family room yesterday,enjoying their chews and the nearest place to "put them" was on top of the mantle. Out of sight, out of mind..right? Well...it worked yesterday, but Scout must have remembered them today. She has been sitting on the hearth "waiting" for me to take it down for the past HOUR! You can see the "chewies" on the mantle...towards the left. She hasn't barked, whined, or in anyway "asked" for them...she's just sitting there "waiting" LOL!


Finch is in there waiting too.....so funny.......I don't know if they think the chewies will just "drop" down??

I would give a million dollars to go inside a Cairns' mind for just 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh.....that picture is so adorable! At first I thought Scout was a statue like the one you have to the right of her. (that is a statue, right? :whistle: )

Please tell me you picked up your house right before you took that shot and that normally your floor is covered with Cairn toys.

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Don't you love how they lurk? Mine do this too and it cracks me up! I put ours up on top of the bookcase when they get too rambunctious, and they just sit glaring/staring between those bones and me.....it's like they are thinking how can you have the nerve to do that???

Last week my husband and I stood in the kitchen laughing at the two of them. Somehow one of their toys/chew bones had slipped thru the baby gate and landed on the back porch and they were beside themselves trying figure out how to get it back on their side!!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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too cute. You're lucky they aren't barking.

Tabitha will stand below something she wants and bark until you let her have it.................

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These little dogs are way to smart!!! They pick up on things that you would never even imagine!!! Great pic!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Oh Shoe, give them back their treats. :P Aren't these cairns just too darn smart? I have to do the same thing here, especially w/ Hannah being she takes forever to chew. I put hers up so that Kiara or Abbey doesn't steal it, being they pig out on theirs. Hannah knows it's up there for safe keeping, but it drives Kiara crazy and she'll stare up at the counter hoping I give it to her.

I just love that picture!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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That is just TOO funny! Maybe they thought the treat fairy was going to come along and grant them their treat.

Tonight I was putting Scully's dinner together and the phone rang. So I took the cordless phone and walked into the living room. Scully kept doing this one sharp bark, about every couple of minutes. Just one, not constant. When I walked back into the kitchen here she was barking at her dinner that mom had forgotten to kindly put on the floor for her. Mom needs to realize food comes before a phone call! For shame on me!

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It's funny how well they remember..............

For instance: Tabitha can see a lizard or a frog outside on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday she will keep going to the exact spot she saw "something" like it's still going to be there.

It's a HOOT!

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Now I understand. The Cairns got my memory. Well hopefully Dusty can help me remember where I put the _________ (fill in the blank) next time I put it in a safe place. :D

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Hi, Cathy. Scout sat on the hearth for about an hour. Finch didn't last that long and left to find a toy to play with....lol!

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Please tell me that you finally relented and gave her the chew. Poor baby, just passively waiting for that chew.

Darcy is that way if she spots a squirrel outside. She and Molly will chase it up a tree and forever stand at the base of the tree barking for the longest time. Then, they will just sit and look up in the tree. Like the squirrel hasn't gone on about its business and is busy gathering nuts somewhere two houses over. The girls think that squirrel is still up the tree. Usually, I have to go out and pick them up and bring them inside. Next time they go out, where do they go? To the same tree, sitting looking up like ok, where'd he go? These dogs are nothing if not perservering, or maybe just plain stubborn.

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I love it. That is just so cute. Tink sure remembers where her chewies are - but she's the only one because she is the one who hides them! I can give her a new chew bone and not see it for another week or more. Then, one day she will go into the closet, or behind something and bring it out. One day recently I wondered why she was in the back corner of my closet until she pulled out a bone :P . She doesn't chew on them as much as she throws them around and plays with them.



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I would give a million dollars to go inside a Cairns' mind for just 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh me too!!

That is the cutest picture. How sweet. :wub:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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If they can remember all these things, why cant they remember to pee outside!!!!!!!

Selective Memory?



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