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Tippy Ate....


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I wasn't even sure I wanted to share this with everyone but what Tippy ate was gross :sick: and scary :shock: at the same time.

She had pooped on the floor; Again :mad: when I noticed something still attached to her butt. So I got a tissue and realized it was a string or something I tried to gently pull it and it wouldn't budge. :huh: I took her outside and kind of left the tissue balled up so the weight might make her feel like she had to go, Well that didn't work so I tried to pull again but I was afraid at that point because I wasn't sure what it was and I was afraid it was the string used for keeping our chicken feed closed. I wasn't sure at that point what to do cause I was thinking what if its all wound up in her intestines. :shock: I remembered I had bought some baby suppositories for when she was constipated before and It worked like a charm we went back outside and she pooped out a Feminine Hygiene product. :sick:

I'm surprised that could go through her whole body without making her sick, I am so glad it didn't. :wub: I reminded my DD again for leaving her bathroom door open or told her at least to make sure the trash is not where the dogs can get at it. She Knows better she is just a teenager and doesn

Tuff & Tippy

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Guest Darcy's Mom

That really made my day! It could have been so much worse, like you say, how did it travel her whole intestine system and still make it to the "end". But I really had to laugh. The things these pups/dogs get into and still survive it totally amazing.

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OMG....you are soooo lucky it came out......and thanks for the laugh...now I have to go wipe the diet coke off my computer screen!

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Gosh at first I started to laugh, but dang it, your dog could have died. Now I'm mad at your dd, darn it! I don't give teenagers slack for anything this important.

Thankgoodness your dog is ok. You can be mad at me for being mad at your dd if ya want :)

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How lucky it is that she passed it! I've had dogs chew and shred Hygiene items that they've found- but never 'ate' them.

I changed the bathroom garbage can to a Metal one with the lid and foot pedal- i've seen them under 20 lately in desinger colors-

I'm glad your she is okay, amazing what a dog can pass.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Do you think other breeds do what our Cairns do? I'm tempted to pop into a Yorkshire terrier forum or a Jack Russell chat or maybe a poodle site. I just want to see if those dogs do a fraction of the destruction and mischief our Cairns do.

So glad everything was okay with Tippy. I remember my vet mentioning how their digestive systems were unlike ours.....no kidding!!

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Oh yes! My German Shep. was the one who would chew and shred Hygiene items-

I had a another male Gemeran Shep chew rocking chair, to the point it was 'just a chair'. Same dog chewed each corner of a small oak trunk til it was oval. Countless Throw rugs- The arm of a couch- A cow boy hat, a raggied ann doll, An Azalea Plant, Steal a Pork Roast off the counter (cooked), A brick of Cheese- KNocked over the Xmas Tree Twice- Pee'd on it once - in front of guests! no less-

They outgrew the puppy thing around 2.

A friend of mine had a dog that ate her credit cards, and her false teeth!


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I can see the false teeth...lol! I have to wear a mouth guard (at night for grinding teeth) and the dentist warned me to keep it away from the dogs...somthing about having our scent on them...which dogs love......yuck!

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Guest mrskti

Aaah, yes....been there, done that!!! Our Samoyed, Kodi did that, drug them into his crate and protected them with his life, he scared the crap out of us with those things!!! He did not want to give them up, it was the beginning of the end for him, he got very aggressive. Not a tiny little dog either.

I'm glad you had a good outcome from your incident, gee...that could have been bad.

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Glad things worked out ok! Just one more thing for us to worry about our pups eating. Another reaaon why our trashcan now stays on top on the toilet. I was worried about razors and stuff, never even thought about this!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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