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Shadow is in a Terrier Contest...

Guest rottndobie

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Guest rottndobie

I entered him for a contest in a Terrier group but did not know what month that would be. Well, it is AUGUST - he is one of 11 other Terriers and is in the bottom row....

Shadow is currently seriously behind - 450 to his 436. The contest ends the end of the this month - 12 days left to go.... This is one hard fought contest and I don't know if my nerves will survive..LOL. If you can see your way clear to vote for him, I'd much appreciate it.... Here is the link: http://www.terrierclub.com/bestofshow.htm

Thanks a bunch and I will owe you guys if he wins..LOL

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My vote is in for Shadow!! He sure is handsome!!

Good luck and please let us know how it turns out!!


Cathy and Piper

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We voted for Shadow

Reb, Hamm and Sug all agreed to vote for Shadow


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Shadow is now tied for 1st.

I took a peak at the previous photo winners-

All Westies and Scotties, if you can believe that. I think that site is well over due for a Cairn winner.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I only got the 2005 winners photos, when I clicked on Previous winners- and they are all Westies and Scotties for this year.

Wasn't Finch just the cutest puppy! and it looks like the last Cairn who won.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I voted. I'm going to post the URL at a message board where I've been a member since 1999...............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Guest rottndobie

OMG guys - I can't thank you enough for all your votes and for those of you posting the request elsewhere. woohoo.gifYou have put Shadow ahead. yes.gif As of right now he has 484 vote to his competitors 469. dancing3.gif

Once Again - thank you all very much!!

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He just got my vote. He is 9 behind... Come on Carin lovers!! Go vote for Shadow!!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Shadow got my vote. I wasn't able to get on the forum till today, Monday. Can we vote more than once? He's awfully handsome and I know you are proud of him. Good Luck Shadow!!!!

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Guest rottndobie

OMG - There is ANOTHER dog in the running now - never would have guess

this... In addition to Casey/Rosie there is now Dino and he is leading

with 555 votes to Shadow's 520.

We *really* need HELP here...LOL. If you delete your cookies on your computer

you should be able to vote again... There are still 10 days left in the

contest - oh my... :shock:


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Guest Darcy's Mom

C'mon everybody, vote again and if you can, vote bunches of times. We want Shadow to win. I just voted again, I think. I didn't get any kind of message saying I couldn't vote more than once. I don't know about "cookies". I'm not very computer literate. Shadow has to catch up with the leader and pass him. We're pulling for him!

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