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As I would say to Abbey, "BAD BEHAVIOR!" :mad: I found teeth marks on the kitchen wall again! It's funny, only Abbey is my destructive one. Elliot doesn't look very sorry in that picture. :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Now wait just a minute. I believe that is Elliot's chair and as such he can do with it what he wants. Right :devil:


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh, Elliot, you need to give your mommy a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kay, sorry about the chair...do you have some Bitter Apple you can use?

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Elliott must have heard you talk about his wild streak ending.

I guess he moved the chair the best he could with no hands......... :nono:

kayharley- have you kept track of how many things he's put his special Elliott mark on? (sounds nicer than saying destroyed)


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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:D That is to funny, I know I would be mad too about the chair, but what a character :devil: He must of wanted to get a good spot on the deck for some morning sun

Tuff & Tippy

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what a bad boy........................At least he didn't do that to teh sofa like Teona did :)

Looks like he is enjoying the sun. I bet it took him a while to move that chair to just the right spot LOL

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Elliot, Elliot..... it is a good thing that you are not in school or else your Mommy would be in the principal's office everyday! The best part is he is up on the chair looking around with an expression that says, "What hole???".

Kayharley, I noticed any time that I brag about Savannah doing better that she ends up being REALLY bad right afterwards!!! BTW - If I recall, you did say that you would miss it if he turned into a "normal" dog. He must have heard you..... LOL :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hmmmm...maybe Helliott knew his mom wanted some new chairs on the patio and he was just helping out. Well okay, maybe not - but I just LOVE that little Helliott!

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Guest sandy's mom

If Elliott wasn't Helliott, where would all the funny stories come from??? Thanks, Kay, for sharing his exploits!

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Elliott and Duffy have got to be related somewhere along the way. They are so much alike in their antics its unbelievable!


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Guest mrskti

Well Elliot would get along with my girls.....they chewed the corner of my new swivel rocker on the porch.....now it has clear duct tape on it and bitter apple spray....boy was that a funny face!!!!!

It still cracks me up that the first thought for all of us....where's my camera!!!!

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Actually, all the photos/documents of Elliott's mishaps are being put in a booklet....this booklet is going to serve me for all future decisions that hinge on me getting another Cairn.

Hubby is never going to see this booklet....I, on the other hand, will cherish it and leaf through it often whenever I am feeling sad or depressed. It definately lifts ones spirits :lol: .

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He is too cute for his own good, he knows you could never stay mad! Don't feel alone, Mia just chewed up a pad of yellow post-it notes! I could barely clean them up through all of her kisses!

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Elliott reminds me of Curious George. You know, the children's books about the little monkey and the man with the yellow hat? Elliott was just curious to see what made that chair so comfy! :devil:

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LOL! What a wonderful idea! A little Cairn scrap book, of the naughty kind!

You know Kay, you'll end up with another Cairn- Just like I know i'll end up with another one!

Isn't there something so wrong about a little dog that can looks so cute, while being so bad? I never felt that way about any of the other breeds i've owned. They are something very special.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Like I've said before, God made them so cute because he knew what they were capable of doing and the mischief they could cause.

When I find something bad that Elliott did (and it's always him, never Maddy) all I have to do is suck in my breath and hollar "Elliott!!". He immediately retreats to the den, hops in his crate, lies down and gives me those eyes :wub:. Sometimes he'll actually go into Winnie or Maddy's crate, like I'm not going to know.

Do you think they think they're smarter than us? Scary, huh? :lol:

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