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Looking into the future need of a dogsitter.....Does anyone

have someone that comes and stays with their dogs? How

much do you pay them? My house cleaner said she would

stay with the doggies, but I have no idea what the going

rate is :confused: I think I would pay a little more with

the pup....more work of course!!!!

Anyone got good info? We have two dogs (4 and 11 weeks)

but Maddy with be close to 17 weeks when we go.



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Hi Ellie, I just hired a pet sitter to stay here when we go to Montgomery. She charges $50 per night. She's bonded and insured, important since she'll be staying in our house. I have seen rates from $35 to $75 per night for overnight stays, and $15-$25 for daily visits.


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I've been very lucky that my next door neighbor loves my dogs. Anytime we need to go out of town she takes care of them for us. She usually comes over 3-4 times per day for potty breaks, feeding and just to play.

She will not accept any money from me, so I usually just buy her gifts.

She raises box turtles so I always buy her something turtle related.

I have no idea what the going rate is for dog sitting, but I'm sure it's not cheap.

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My Cousin, who owns a hobby farm in the "exurbs," will care for a limited number of dogs (no more than one or two at a time), if they are well trained and well behaved, for $20 a night, and her customers think this is a real deal.

Friends who have an elderly great dane pay housesitters $50 a day (24 hour day) to stay in their house and care for the dog. They also consider this a real deal because the person who does it is very, very good with the dog.

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We went out of town two years ago and then we only had one dog. I hired one of my DD's friends who stayed at our house and watered my garden and took care of Scout. I think we paid her $200....but I'm not sure of the amount. We were very lucky!

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I was just quoted $50 per day for a sitter that spends the night but not the day hours at the house. Walks are $10 a pop extra. I'm in Southern California, where everything costs rediculous.

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