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I must be a gluten for punishment because I allowed DH to talk me into another trip with the "Kids" only this time instead of one day it was 2 night and 3days :w00t:

So I decided to get better prepared and it paid off. I bought Dramamine for Tippy and she didn't get sick in the car at all, she and I shared the AC all the way


Then I purchased the ultimate duel dog control and what a difference in the way I felt having to baby-sit the both of them. It was a breeze anyone who wants to walk two at a time I suggest you purchase a leash connector.


Here is a picture of Tuff and Tippy and the Dog in the center is me. :lol:


And last is one of Tuff kicking it around the campfire, it got fairly cold because we were at about 8500 ft


So now armed with knowledge and having done it successfully once I think I see us camping more and more. :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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love it :wub:

You are such good parents taking your furkids camping.

I love the pic of Tuff sleeping by the campfire. He looks very snuggly warm.

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Typical male - as soon as the picture came up on the screen my husband said "That looks like MY truck!". I'm busy looking at the dogs.

I just love the picture of the kids and you!!!

And by the way, my husband said high fives to YOUR husband because it IS the same truck. Men!!! :confused:

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I just love that picture of Tuff curled up by the campfire! What great memories you'll have. I really dont enjoy vacations as much if my "boys" aren't there too.

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Great pics!

That looks like a lot of fun!

I wish I could get my husband to go camping. He's a "gotta stay in a hotel" kind of guy :confused:

I'll keep trying though. :thumbsup:


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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How fun!! I love the one of Tippy hogging the A/C!!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest girliejr

Shelia, I have to agree with your husband on the hotel thing! :P

There are a lot of pet friendly hotels out there now, so why waste a perfectly good bed and sleep on the ground?!? ;)

Cute pics of the "kids", it actually (almost) makes camping look fun! I love the one of Tippy hogging the A/C. :lol: So cute!!

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There are a lot of pet friendly hotels out there now, so why waste a perfectly good bed and sleep on the ground?!?

I agree that hotelin it is the best way 2 go as far as comfort :thumbsup: , but we bought a blow-up queen size mattress with its own motor and it was inflated in less than 5 minutes. I am getting 2 old for the ground, :whistle: we like getting into the wilderness and my DH and I prefer the more isolated the better. I guess I feel more comfortable amongst the bears :huh: and other creatures :vampire: than around lots of people. ;)

If the kids made as much noise in a hotel, as they did the first night we camped we would have been kicked to the curb. :shy: They barked at EVERYTHING no matter how small. :whistle: they did much better on night 2 :wub:

We do enjoy seeking out new places, this was a last min. trip we just packed fast and set out to where we ended up. :D

Tuff & Tippy

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Great pics. I'm taking the pups camping again Labor Day. Say, did a vet recommend the Dramamine? If so, I'm curious about it, my vet recommends the Acepromazine, and I imagine the dramamine is cheaper/simpler. But I just don't want to give human meds to a dog without a vet say so. Could be toxic.

Has anybody tried gingersnap cookies for motion sickness? I heard that might help, and I might give it a try.

Thanks for any info!

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Say, did a vet recommend the Dramamine? If so, I'm curious about it, my vet recommends the Acepromazine, and I imagine the dramamine is cheaper/simpler. But I just don't want to give human meds to a dog without a vet say so. Could be toxic.

No I didn't contact a vet, the trip was such short notice I didn't even think about it. I have used it in the past with other dogs I have had who had the same problem, I broke it in 1/2 and she did fine, I bought the non drowsy formula even though it did seem to calm her hyper-ness down riding in the car which was just fine with me she usually moves all over the place at first this time she just sat down on my lap and slept. :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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My vet recommended giving Savannah half a childs dosage of Dramimine for long trips since she gets car sick. You may want to call your vets office and see what they say about it.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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