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the watchdog!


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Last night we were watching THE HOSTAGE movie, where people broke into the owners house and tried to kill them.

After a while, Wes began barking. Then we heard something moving around the house. We looked out the window but the night was pitch black.

We waited a half hour then decided the movie was too scary. We also decided we're happy Wes lives with us.

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OK - so was there something out there, or were you fantisizing because of the scary movie? Tink would also be barking if something was outside our house, then she would load them up with kisses if they made it in!



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During some movies, Fergus tries to attack the centre speaker of the home theatre. Hubby is saddened that he won't be able to watch Gladiator at full volume ever again (he's aleady seen it about 100 times) - me? I say THANK YOU FERGUS!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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We think it may have been a truck. Or the dripping roof. or a rabbit. Or even a burglar that he scared away!

If it were a burglar and he made it in, Wes would probably keep him at bay. He's little but he things he's a great dane!

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They say a Cairn is an excellent watch dog but not necessarily a guard dog. I know anything I put in front of Elliott to "guard" would either be chewed or eaten. :lol:

There have been times I'll be sitting and relaxing on the sofa watching a movie with the dogs beside me when all of a sudden all three of them will start barking like there's no tomorrow. It makes me jump out of my skin!

I could just imagine them doing it during an intense part of a movie...the graveyard scene in "Carrie", the TV set scene in "Signs", the ending of "Halloween", shower scene in "Pyscho".... :shock:

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Kay, that's what it felt like last night. We had just gotten to the part where the burglars killed somebody. We all left our skins on the couch!

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We tried to watch the third Harry Potter movie, but Mia kept barking at all the "scary" stuff, we finally gave up!

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Savannah will actually sit and watch some movies, head cocked to the side and all. She likes The Incredibles best for some reason. During one of the loud parts, she jumped from the center of the couch into my lap never taking her eyes off the screen! It was too funny!

Wellygoggles-Savannah also tries to attack dh's speakers if the movie is on too loud by her standards. Luckily her standards and my standards are about equal!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Therein lies my problem Savannahsmom! I'm partially deaf in one ear PLUS we live in a converted dancehall which has 30 foot high ceilings and a wooden floor so everything echoes - including Fergus's bark :( Mind you, Fergus has a wonderful time chasing plastic bottles up and down the dancehall - I just put cottonwool in my ears :)

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Mine seem to only bark at the pizza comercial that has someone ring the doorbell....we try to mute the tv when we see if coming on...lol!

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Liddy (who is an avid TV-watcher) seems to be able to sense when the bad guy is on TV, too. I don't know if its the lighting or the background music, but she is the best at picking out the evil-doers on Law & Order! :lol:

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I gues mine are being raised w/ too much science fiction & scary movies. My dh, dd and I had all three of our cairns curled up w/ us on our double recliner as we watched the Harry Potters movies. Some commercials will set them off if there is a high pitch or door bell sound. As far as watchdogs, no one is getting into this house w/o the three of them sounding off their barking alarms.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Guest posting as: pjoes_girl

One night hubby was away and Toby was in his crate, and all was well , then he started barking up a storm, he never does this at night. I don't know if he really heard something, or saw a racoon out the window his crate is by or what, but it made me feel good to know that if someone was prowling around, he would let me know.

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