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Contest Winner: Cairn Haiku


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A Lab and a Cairn

Brigette painted them in words

Our contest winner

Congratulations to Brigette for winning the haiku contest, with her entry, The Aloof Cairn.

The stooge ball is thrown

Look at that Lab run and fetch

I, with pride, refuse

Well done to all who participated - what fun it was and I hope you all take a moment every now and then to write a small ode to your Best Little Pal whenever the spirit moves you.

Congratulations again to Brigette! :thumbsup:

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Your haiku summed up the Cairns attitude perfectly :lol:

And thanks Brad for a wonderful contest and a fun addition to an already pretty great forum.

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Congrats! Great haiku!

Thanks for the great topic Brad. That was fun! :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Congratulations to Brigette! The haiku was a great representation of cairns in general.

Brad, you did a great job coordinating it! :thumbsup:

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Congratulations to Bridgette and again, thanks to Brad for coordinating this. It was a great deal of fun! Maybe we can try Quatrains next?


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This was fun and Congrats Bridgette I think you summed up our little dog's attitudes perfectly with your Haiku.

Thank You Brad for the idea for this contest.

Tuff & Tippy

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I'm so excited I've never won anything, but Yoda was a wonderful Muse. If its okay, I would like to donate my prize to the reward for Fergus. I think the whole theme of the contest was how much we love our Cairns and I really want Fergus to be home with the people who love him. Thank you both to every one who liked my Haiku and to everyone who submitted one, I got such a chuckle reading all of them.

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Guest girliejr

Congrats Bridgette and what a wonderful idea to donate your prize to finding Fergus! I know we all hope he gets home soon. I can't imagine what I'd do if it were Jack! :(

Great Haiku poems everyone.....those all really summed up the Cairn! :P

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I knew whoever won this contest would donate the prize to a worthy cause. It's that kind of compassion and caring that makes the people on this forum so wonderful to communicate with.

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Guest posting as: Wheezie23

I'm at work right now so I'm not registered. Everyone did such a great job! All of them are winners. Congratulations, Bridgette, and a pat on the back for Brad for a job well done! As for the next context, how about a limmerick? That's about all the poetry I can muster!

There once was a cairn from Nantucket..... :censored::w00t:


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Who stole some corn and shucked it,

He ate the whole cob, and burped like a slob

And now he's about to upchuck it! :lol:

OMG....this could turn into something like the Sympatico posts.

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