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Playful puppy?

Guest Princeton

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Guest Princeton

Will Cairns be playful? I lovveee playful dogs, lol :) If i get a dog that wont jump on me and be willing to lick and play fetch i might feel slightly disappointed o_O

I hope a Cairn is very playful and energetic :P:P:P:P:P

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We adopted our second Cairn when our first one was 2 years old. We searched for a dog that would play with her because she wanted our attention all the time! This worked for about a year and now we have a 16 month old puppy who wants to play all the time!!!!!!!!!! In fact, she is whining at the top of the stairs, with the tennis ball by her feet, wanting me to throw it with her. *We "hid" her frisbee for a few days.

My experience with Cairns is that they love to play whenever you want to, and when you don't! :lol:

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I think it depends on the dog.

My male Cairn, Murph, did not do the fetch thing. I also desperately tried to teach him to catch a frisbee. No go there either. He is, however, the best backpacking/hiking dog ever. He is in 7th heaven, when he's out exploring.

I, also discovered when he was about 12 that he could have been a very good agility dog. I got a Collie that I was training in agilty and I started working with Murph too. He loved it and picked up things pretty quickly. Plus no fear of any of the obstacles. He's 2 months shy of 15 now and he is still unbelievably energetic. Keeps up with 2 young Collies. :)

My female Cairn, Maddie, was great at fetch. I don't remember even really teaching her. She just picked it up on her own. She was quick at picking up tricks too. Unfortunately she had no athletic ability, so frisbee was out for her too.

That's been the joy of the Collies. With my limited knowledge I was actually able to teach them to catch a frisbee. Fairly easily too. Love seeing them with all 4 off the floor, catching a frisbee. Maybe my next Cairn will be a frisbee dog too. :)


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For some reason Savannah does better with fetch when using a stuffed animal rather than a ball. She is very entergetic and LOVES to play!!!! She is still a puppy though (7 months) so it may not last throughout her adult life. There isn't a time that she doesn't have a toy in her mouth and is sitting at my feet hoping that I will play!! She also loves to walk and it has been great becuase it MAKES me have to walk her everyday (if it isn't raining).

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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My 3 cairns are all very playful. They're napping right now, but all I have to do is go into the room where they're sleeping and hide a toy behind my legs to wake them. My 2 youngest, Abbey & Hannah love when I do this "keep away" game. I end up giving them the toy and they play tug of war w/ it. My oldest, Kiara would play fetch all day. What's funny is that I'll go into a room for one thing and somehow Kiara draws my into throwing the toy for her. Cairns have a way of bringing play into any situation. I can't even sit down to do bills w/o someone dropping a toy at my feet.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I have 2 Cairns and right now they are chasing each other throughout our house, it sounds like a herd of gremlins. When I get home they both "attack" me I can't even walk through the door because they want 110% of my attention NOW. One of them seems to like fetch she hasn't quite gotten the idea of bringing it back yet but we are practicing with a plastic lid to play Frisbee. She also loves water, my other cairn hates it but if you

Tuff & Tippy

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my oldest, Tabitha, is obsessed with fetch. She will play everyday until she just cannot run anymore. She's 6 years old.

Teona has just learned the game - she now actually brings the ball back.

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