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the plastic bag


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I can't take very good pictures even though I tried. Booker got himself in a predicament with a plastic bag. His head went through the handles.





The bookerc I included above was just a chance shot. His eyes were captured closed...............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Booker! How did you get into such a pickle?

I like that last one with his eyes closed...it looks like he's giving you a big grin. :D

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Booker is so cute. I've worried about Tink and plastic bags because a former neighbor had a dog that smothered with his head caught in a potato chip bag. Isn't that sad. Their dog was eating out of the bag and it got caught on his face and they weren't home. I hadn't thought about that in years until I saw Tink trying to get into a bag recently. They can get into so much danger can't they.



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Cute pictures! As Linda stated, they can be dangerous, so be careful. My two don't seem interested in plastic bags, but our cat, Bach, loves them! We have to keep them up high in the cabinet.

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I swear they are worse than toddlers!! I find myself keeping all bedroom and bathroom doors closed now because Elliott is constantly looking for something to get into. None of my other Cairns were like him!

It's scary how diligent we must be to keep these terror safe.

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You are right about trying to keep them safe. This morning I went into the kitchen and left Tink in the bathroom for 3-minutes. I came back and my package of Benadryl was on the floor and she was chewing something in my closet. I almost died, but she just had a Qtip and hadn't gotten into the Benadryl -- yet. All of that was up on my dressing table and she had jumped up and helped herself when I left the room :devil: .


Edited to add picture. This is how I caught Tink one day right after she helped herself to the coffee on my dressing table. You would think I would learn.



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