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Introducing Madison Avenue "Maddy"


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I have been a little hesitaint to post, because of the missing Fergus. I

do not want to seem insensitive, but I did want to share.

things are going ok. Grilly is definitely Put Off. He has played with her

a couple of times, but mostly he ignores her AND ME! I am worried. Maddy

is doing great, but Grilly seems sad. I hope he will adjust. Any advice?

Here she is ...


Rolling around in her crate


More pics to come.....she is very sweet....



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What a sweet little face. I just love puppies!

I only have one pup so I don't know that my advise is accurate, but I am wondering, how long has the new pup been at the house? It may take Grilly a while to get used to his new sister, especially if he was an only child previous to her arrival. Just a thought....

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Aw, look at that face!! :wub:

I can't give any advice either, but I hope Grilly gets used to his sister soon; she looks like she'll make a great playmate!

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Maybe I can help, we had Tuff from March to June all alone with the cats, and us, and then we got Tippy June 16. Tuff was a little jealous at first, but he also realized he found a playmate. It only took a few days of real jealousy and everyday got better than the one before. They just got to get to know each other, even though they are both of the same species. I would say a week max and they will be best friends. :D

BTW she is adorable :halo:

Tuff & Tippy

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Great pics! Grilly will come around. Duffy reacted the same way when Miki came to live with us. He was standoffish for several days, but finally came around and now they are inseparable. Give Grilly time and a few extra hugs and kisses.


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Great photo! So adorable! What a great name, too. Coincidentally, my father in law lives on Madison Ave. around the Murray Hill area....but he does not like dogs at all so we don't bring Alfie with us when we visit him... :(

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OMG, she is SO adorable. What a pretty face - and that coloring is terrific.

I'm sure Grilly is going to be just fine!!! He'll see you have plenty of loving for both of them.

Wishing you much happiness with your new little girl.

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Ellie, she's a sweetheart! Congratulations! Give Grilly time to adjust. He's used to being #1. He'll come around and they will be friends for life!


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She is so cute! We have thought about getting a 2nd one, Kai-lee is almost 9 months old & I'm really sorry we didn't get 2 when we got her. I always wonder how she would handle and addition now. I'll have to follow your stories & see how your 2 adapt...so keep your stories coming!

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Congratulations, what a cutie pie. Brody also seemed a little sad when we brought Mia home. He adjusted very well and they get along great.

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Thanks for all the replies. Madison has been with us

for three days. I know I need to give Grilly time to

adjust, it just breaks my heart to see him sad :cry:

He has been used to being an only child, so I can understand.

We are trying to give him twice as much love as normal.

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I brought 8 week old Elliott home when my Madison was almost a year. She was definately put off, curious and a bit jealous but as Elliott got older and bigger, he became her major playtime companion. Then I was the one who was jealous of their bonding. :lol:

Your Maddy is still so very small and as I can see from your adorable pics that she has her own pen area....I did the same thing with Elliott and only let him out to interact with Madison and Winnie when I was there to supervise and only for short periods.

It will all come together.

P.S. She looks exactly like Elliott did when he was her age. Oh God how I want another one.

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Thanks Sandy and everyone for the support! This forum is full of

great people. I really do have hope, but it is hard.

They played together twice today...so we shall see. The

funniest thing is that Maddy looks like a small version of Grilly.

My DFIL said it looked like we put Grilly in the dryer :lol::lol:

The coloring is almost the same, but Maddy will be much lighter

when she gets older. I saw her "family" and they were VERY light.

Here's a comparison:

Madison Avenue at 10 weeks


Grilly at 4 years


Close ..huh?

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That is a really beautiful pup! and a great picture.

She does look like your Grilly. :)

It just takes time. When I introduced a new pup into the house (I think about 2 or 3 times) , it always took a few days to get the older dog accustomed to it. Even if the older pup was as sweet natured as could be.


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We recently had an addition to our household Abe (the one behind) is just a little ove 2 years old and was the only fur child for all of that time . Scruffy (the one in front) was about 1 year old when we adopted him. There was a period of about 2 weeks when Abe looked like we had betrayed him but now they are the best of buddies and we find them in this position more and more often.


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Well, Grilly has gone over to Madison about four times, tail wagging.

They have played three times. He is very good with her. He still

seems to be mopey :( I am continuing to have hope.

Here they are playing.


Here is Madison, checking her big brother out.


Thanks again for all the support!


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I cannot get over how cute she is!!! I think that Grilly may be worried that the new furbaby might just be as cute as he is and may try to steal all his compliments! :D I think that they will get used to one another in time. Pretty soon you will be posting what great friends they are. Please keep me posted, I'm really wanting another one after all of you keep showing me puppy pics! You all better stop cause if I get another one, my dh may be sending me to live with one of you all until the potty training is over!!!! :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest webstar

I WANT HER. She is gorgeous, I don't blame Grilly for being jealous. You will find it's one of the nicest things you could do for Grilly and soon he will be thanking you.

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I just love these pictures. If only hubby would change his mind about having 4 dogs.....I keep on nagging and the only hope is that the other day he came into the den, looked at all the crates and said "Where would we put another one?" Hope, hope, hope.....

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