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No Rest for the Weary


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I just had to share this, my poor Husband was trying to sleep and the Kids decided to take advantage of him :P He had a hard day of golf and was passed out on the sofa. Do Tippy and Tuff Care? I don't think so.....


Tuff & Tippy

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That shoelace in the mouth along with the :devil: eyes say it ALL!!

Love the pic.....I believe this one will be one of your all-time fav memories!!


Cathy and Piper

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Awwwwwwwwwwww, that is such a sweet picture! How long did your DH sleep after the "attack"? LOL! I love the shoelace in the mouth.....caught in action!

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very cute. I get that same type of attention every morning when I'm trying to sleep. For some reason Teona always goes straight for my face and head.

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The next time someone ask what Cairn behavior is like, I think you should show them that picture! Hahaha! Thanks for sharing this great pic!!

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Caught!!! :D

That picture is adorable. Of course the first thing I noticed was that we have the same exact loveseat - same fabric and everything. GMTA

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Thanks everyone, the only thing that even made him stir is me saying "get off Dad" to them they were all over him both ends Tippy had just attacked his ears thats why he has his face covered with his hands.

In response to Shoe

Awwwwwwwwwwww, that is such a sweet picture! How long did your DH sleep after the "attack"? LOL! I love the shoelace in the mouth.....caught in action!

Beer,:beer: Beer,:beer: and more Beer.:beer: You know Golf is a tough to paly with out Beer. :beer::beer: Oh yes heat also factored in :P

Tuff & Tippy

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What a great pic! It is almost as if they held a meeting beforehand and decided to ambush Dad!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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That post was from Abes mom, not the dad, after I rechecked this thread, I realized it might sound a bit off......lol I will have to be more careful to clarify when I am using dad's computer. (I am lazy and like to sit on the couch and type)

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