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Riley's getting neutered today:(


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I just dropped off the lil guy @ the vets office. I was so sad leaving him. A lil nervous too. I can't wait to pick him up tonite. Hope all goes well

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Best of luck to little Riley. If he is anything like the other dogs on this site, good luck on keeping him quiet for 7-10 days afterwards!!!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I think most of us can identify with hating to leave our guys at the vet for any reason. He may look down for a bit when you get him back, but as savannahsmom35 says, he'll be bouncing before you can believe it. Hang in there.

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I remember when I took Max not that long ago. I was so worried about him too.

When I went to pick him up he wanted nothing to do with me and kept trying to jump back into the staffs' arms. Made me sad and jealous.. :( The more I thought about it though, it must have meant that he had a good experience with them and that mattered more!

Besides, I was going to be the one to take him home not them... :P

Max loves to swim so having to keep him out of water was the hardest thing I've had to do with him. Good luck on trying to keep him calm. My vet always says he could hook Max up to a treadmill and he could power our whole town. :lol:

I know how you're feeling today, and I'll be thinking of you both.


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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I know how that feels but your little man's going to be just fine - and guess what - you will be too! Isn't it terrible leaving these little one's behind?

Scully didn't miss a beat after having her surgery. She was running like she didn't have a care in the world.

Good thoughts are out there for Riley!

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Good to hear all this support! We drop Elsa and Connor off on Tuesday for shriek! spay and neuter! I HATE it! But its time...Connor is starting to mark territory and pretty soon Elsa would have a heat....funny, I never felt bad about gelding my young stallions (but then the vet did that at our place, its over snip snip and they were SUPPOSED to exercise afterwards, to minimize swelling). These dogs are our BABIES, darn it. But Brad is right...

Keep us posted on Riley!

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It's very difficult to leave them, I know :( But when you have him home again it will be just like before. Well, except for trying that impossible task of making him take it easy :D When Saidi was spayed I was successful in keeping her quiet still and calm only the first night. Of course the drugs did that not me! The next day she was running and jumping (with a little yelp every now and then) whenever we took our eyes off of her. No matter how many times she tried to do too much and it resulted in her crying she never slowed down! I worried constantly the first few days but after that I eased up on trying to keep her from doing anything.

Give Riley a kiss when you pick him up :)

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Hope all goes well, I know how hard it is to go and leave your "Kid" at the doctors, I bet he will be glad to see you when all is done. :wub: The last pet I had neutered was a cat, and he was quiet for awhile and acted as if nothing happened aftward. Sometimes I think it's more tramatic for us than them. :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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Thank you all for the warm thoughts. Our lil one is doing well. He was a lil groggy yesterday. But this morning he's back to his old self-fun & loving:)

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Guest girliejr

Getting Jack fixed didn't slow him down at all! He was jumping and running the day I brought him home!! It is almost impossible to keep a Cairn still! :confused:

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