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Riley Loves Ice:)


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he is soooooo cute.

I just recently discovered this week that Teona also loves ice.

Tabitha just barks when I put the cubes in the girls water. Teona plays

bobbing for ice................LOL

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Riley loves ice just like my Hannah does. Those pictures of him are adorable. As a pup, I accidently dropped an ice cube on the floor and it turned into a game of ice hockey for Hannah. She loved it as much as we did watching her. Now, over a year later, when she hears someone getting ice from the ice maker, she comes running and waiting for a piece to be thrown to her. She also loves it when I throw a bunch of ice cubes in her kiddie pool. She'll bob and bob for them until they're all melted.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Both Duffy and Mickey love ice. Duffy will crunch his up and eat it. Mickey likes to bat his around the kitchen floor like he is playing ice hockey. It's the funniest thing to watch. Eventually the ice will either melt and Mickey will stare at the puddle looking bewildered, or Duffy will snatch it up and eat it himself.


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Beth, that's a great idea! My two LOVE ice and always come running when anyone gets ice from the fridge. I also put a small bucket of ice cubes outside when they are out with us in the yard. They don't whine about being tied out and it keeps them busy! :P

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Guest girliejr

Jack loved ice as a puppy and he would come running when he heard the ice maker, but now I think he feels like it is too cold! He used to eat it and bat it around, but now, he chomps it up and then spits it out when it gets too cold! I find puddles of water on the floor in the kitchen all the time because I think he ate it, but apparenly he spits it back out! :lol:

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Those pictures are precious!!! Abby loves ice too, especially crushed ice. She comes running also, just like others here, when she hears us getting ice from the icemaker!!! Cairns are so smart!!!


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When I put the Ice cubes in their bowl they act as if I am laying down Prime Rib! They just love it, they take the cubes and throw them up in the air, and chase them and eachother around, they will even fight over one even if there are others in the bowl. I figure this is the cheepest dog treat I can get, they love it and it keeps them hydrated in the hot weather, how can I go wrong with that :D

Tuff & Tippy

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