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Pet strollers


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What do you think of these....


Tons of people were pushing their dogs around in these at the dog show a few weeks ago. I'd love to get one for the girls. I wonder if they would try to eat their way out..............LOL

One man we spoke to said he taked his dogs to the mall in one. He just covers it with a baby blanket and nobody knows he has his pets in there.

I'd need this one to carry both girls


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We saw one a couple of months ago at the mall. An elderly woman had her yorkie in it with the mesh enclosure zipped. We talked to her for a few minutes and she said she takes him just about everywhere in it!!! We figured the people at the mall didn't pay attention and assumed it was a baby!!!


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Well, I think this is fine for Paris Hilton types with little foo foo dogs :lol: , but Cairns? Oh HECK no! The great, fierce vermin hunters of the rugged Highlands going about in a STROLLER? :lol:

This reminds me of one of the All Creatures Great and Small stories where the vet recommended exercise for the rich lady's fat pomeranian, so she had the butler carry it around the garden!

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No way could I pass Savannah off as a baby, unless anyone knows a baby that barks..... :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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When we go to Hawaii, there is a man there that has one of these for his five yorkies...it is quite cute, but I don't think Cooper or Yoda would have anything to do with one!!

I have seen bitchin' frizzies (I know that is not how it's spelled :P ) riding in them to and the also seem to enjoy it...but a cairn????


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Well, I think this is fine for Paris Hilton types with little foo foo dogs :lol: , but Cairns?  Oh HECK no!  The great, fierce vermin hunters of the rugged Highlands going about in a STROLLER?  :lol:

This reminds me of one of the All Creatures Great and Small stories where the vet recommended exercise for the rich lady's fat pomeranian, so she had the butler carry it around the garden!


you mean I'm not Paris Hilton...............LOL

I thought the girls were a little big for a chihuahua

On another subject, I also saw a doggie shirt at the dog show that read.......

I (heart) Bitches :whistle:

I was laughing soooooooooo hard

( I know it's immature, but I can't help but to laugh)

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Guest mrskti
This reminds me of one of the All Creatures Great and Small stories where the vet recommended exercise for the rich lady's fat pomeranian, so she had the butler carry it around the garden!


THat would be miss trickie poo!!!!! I love those books, and love that character and her trickie poo....too funny. Loved it when james took her home with him for a while to get her back in shape, i could just visualize it all.

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Guest girliejr

Those are so funny! I have to admit I put Jack in a "stroller" once (it was actually a cart that you take to a flee market to put all your purchases in) and after walking around a flee market for hours, he was more than ready to ride! :lol:

I think I wore his little legs out that day, so he was thrilled to be pushed around for a while.

I don't think under normal circumstances, however, he would like to be cooped up in a mesh stroller. He would want out to play with the people he saw!

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I think they are really cute, but my DH would have me admitted into the hospital for observation if I purchased one!

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I've seen that same shirt, but w/the name Barbie instead of Tinkerbell...cracked me up!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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That's right! Miss Trickie Poo was the dog in the Herriot books (pom? or that other tiny Chinese dog??) and Tinkerbelle is Paris' "dog"!! Bitchin Frizzie? Izzat the little white dogs? Bichon Frise? :lol: definitely foo foo, dh wouldnt let me get one.

Slightly off topic: Elsa sneaked onto the table again when of course I went to answer the door and STOLE my raisin bran, so no stroller for HER! :devil: She thought she would get away with it, she was back on the floor acting innocent, but the milk-stache gave her away!

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Oh, my poor Tinkerbell. I knew that wasn't a good name, but tell my little grandaughter that? No way :!: That's why I call her Tink for short :lol:

Regarding Elsa and the Raisan Bran. This morning I had my coffee cup sitting on my dressing table in the bathroom while I was pressing my clothes. I pushed my chair up as tightly as possible so Tink couldn't get up there. Yep - you guessed it. I came back in, the coffee was gone and she had taken down an artificial flower I had sitting on the wall shelf :devil: . Nothing broken fortunately, but she is such a stinker :whistle:. She has a thing for coffee and I have to fight her every day to keep her from my cup. I think I read it was one of the no no's for dogs.



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I could just see me trying to push my two around the neighorhood B) we live on a dirt road in the country, I would need four wheel tires for it :D

If I was to take them to a public place in one I could just imagine the looks I would get when they broke out into a wrestling match inside :w00t: it with all those snarls and gremlin noises, people would think I had a possesed child inside. :devil: LOL

Watch Out Paris our Cairns will eat your foo foo dog, for lunch :beer:

Tuff & Tippy

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Umm.....I keep seeing people refer to thier "DH" what is that? I figure I should probably know this..... :confused: (I know of another DH :devil: Hehehehe)

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Umm.....I keep seeing people refer to thier "DH" what is that? I figure I should probably know this..... :confused:  (I know of another DH  :devil:  Hehehehe)


DH - Dear Husband

DW - Dear Wife

SO - Significant Other

DD - Dear Daughter

DS - Dear Son

BIL - Brother in Law

SIL - Sister in Law

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Alfie will not last 10 seconds in a stroller! Actually...that would be a good contest --whose cairn will stay in a stroller the longest?? Treats not permitted...... :lol:

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