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My Handful of Gremlin Puppies

Tracy A.

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Thank you everyone who responded in my distressed state over my Tasmanian Devil Puppies! A few of you wanted to see Images of Bratt(wurst) & Mett(wurst) and i'm going to post a few for you.

This forum has been so helpful to me, and I am thankful for all the wonderful Cairn owners who respond.

The boys were about 10 weeks old when I took these- and if ears aren't up by 12 weeks week i'm going to help them out (breeder said if ears not up by 12 weeks to help them). My mother who is into German Shepards sent me the supplies to (Molefoam&Surgical Glue) put the ears up- It will be interesting, the last time I did this was 6 years ago to a German Shepard puppy- I"ll be sure to let everyone know how it goes!


Bratt on Left, Mett on right giving that "Huh, what you going to do about it look"


The famous "not so anelic sleeping angels" pose

Bratt on Left, Mett on his back.


Thank you all-


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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How can you call those precious little puppies gremlins? :devil: Just kidding, I know how one can be, I can't imagine 2 of the same age at the same time!!! It makes me want another one SOOOOO bad!!!! :whistle:

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Why, they look like little angels, lol!!!! :devil::devil: Don't you just love 'em?? :wub:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Guest girliejr

They are precious! Jack's ears didn't stand up for a long time. For a while, he had one up and one 1/2 up, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! They became fully up on their own after he was about a year old. I didn't know you could "help" them stand up! That is good info to have in case (when!) I ever get another puppy!

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Everytime I look at cairn puppies, I have to remind myself that three is enough. :D They are so cute!!! Don't worry about the ears yet. Hannah's didn't fully stay up until almost 16 wks. I always thought that the earlier the ears came up, the smaller they would be. Well, my oldest Kiara's were up early and hers ended up being the largest of my three.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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They are really handsome little guys.  I'm sure they will be the best of partners in crime!  :devil:



You have no idea! Or maybe you do! One will create a diversion, while the other does something naughty- House training has been interesting so far :shock:

Don't worry about the ears yet.  Hannah's didn't fully stay up until almost 16 wks. 


Maybe then i'll wait awhile- To be honest I wasn't sure how i'd be able to keep them from picking the mole foam out of each others ears! Even with the Surgical Glue!

Your two puppies are soooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!! They look so much alike....how do you tell them apart?


Well, it isn't easy- Bratt has lighter ears & face, and Mett has darker ears and face. But in low light it's very hard to tell them apart. We use a Red collar for Bratt, and Blue for Mett- But since the boys enjoy dragging each other around with the collars like a handle- I tend to only keep them on for short periods of time- hoping they'll stop it. In low light you can't tell them apart, except that Mett's tail was broken shortly after birth, so he has a kink/bump in the last inch of his tail-


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We use a Red collar for Bratt, and Blue for Mett- But since the boys enjoy dragging each other around with the collars like a handle-

Too funny!! Don't forget to video tape that!

They are adorable :wub:


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Guest Brandi

Don't worry about have to "help" the ears...I've read where people taped them up, but any vet will tell you that it does nothing...the ears just have to strengthen up on their own, and they will eventually :) My dog was about 5 and a half months before his stood up fully. Enjoy them while they do have the floppy ears, they're so cute with them ^^

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