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Puppy Dreams


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I love it when they have puppy dreams.......

Tabitha had one night before last. She was in her crate and wimpering and lightly making a bark noise.

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Tink sleeps like she is dead to the world. My previous pup was the dreamer and would bark and carry-on something awful while sleeping. This one is so laid back that even dreams don't phase her.



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Carolina will do her "running and barking" in her sleep. If we're in bed, one of us will push at her with our foot to wake her up.

A few weeks ago my in-laws watched her while we were out of town. My MIL said Carolina would make, "weird, scary noises" in her sleep. She didn't know Carolina was dreaming! :P

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I just think it's so cute when they dream, I'm poitive Tuff thinks he is some big scary dog terrorizing some poor squirrel or gopher. :devil:

Tuff & Tippy

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Savannah kind of whines and her legs jump when she is dreaming. She also snores like a grown man when she sleeps (that is almost every night!!)!!!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Guest girliejr

Jack rarely does this, but he will "bark" in his sleep sometimes. It isn't a full out bark, but a little semi-bark coming out of his sleeping body! It is really cute! I wish I knew what he was dreaming and thinking! What could be going through those thick Cairn skulls of theirs?!? :confused:

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