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The Great Ram's Head Scare


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We took the pups to see their Doggie Godmother in Vegas and she had an old skull of a bighorn sheep in her back yard--you know, one of those picturesque old bleached out things. Well, Connor must have thought it was truly EVIL :shock: he would NOT stop barking at it with his hackles all up! We had to hide it. And even then, he would go sniff the ground and growl.

Do you suppose it was the scent that bothered him?

Connor notices every little different thing in his environment, with great suspicion! What a watch dog! Lucky he does calm down when we tell him "Its OK!" except for the ram's head, hee hee!

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I am not too sure about the scent lingering on the skull but this past December while visiting family, a cattle skull similar to the longhorn sheep skull was in my in-laws guest room. Apollo's hackles were not up but he definitely was a low rider trying to check it out. We all got a good laugh at him. Further more, he would not go anywhere near it. The chocolate lab that is the resident dog would not even investigate. Hurrah for Apollo with his bravery for checking it out for his big cousin.



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My DH is a hunter and we have (oh, I should say HE has) a deer head, some stuffed birds, and a WHOLE bear hanging on the wall in his study. The pups have never barked at these, but they are, most likely, just so use to seeing them there. Me? I shut the door. :P

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