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What a beautiful yard! Tink looks just like my Brody. Brody's favorite prey is the squirrel, we haven't seen many of them this year. I think they are also the favorite prey of the coyote. :(

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WOW! Tink looks exactly, to us, like Scully. I can't find a picture that shows her coloring the same as Tink's. This one that I'm using was with a flash and her coloring came out looking tan.





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Marmielin, I was also going to say "what a beautiful yard!" And Tink looks like a real cutie pie! If you don't mind my asking, what are those beautiful pink flowers? Are they " impatiens"? They look like them.

Folks on this forum sure have some pretty gardens.


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You're right, Tink does look like Scully. Our first Cairn was almost black, and that is what I wanted this time. But, Tink is so precious and is a great dog. I don't care what color they are any more, just so long as I have one!!!

Pam - thanks regarding the flowers. You are correct, they are impatiens. They seem to do the best in our shaded garden in Memphis, although they require a lot of water. I'm just thankful Tink hasn't dug into any of my gardens as I expected her to do. This was our first summer with her and during the winter she dug quite a bit, but since I put in the flowers she hasn't even tried to dig into them once.



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I'm sorry - you're right - there are "triplets" - Tink, Brody & Scully! I can't count. Aren't they cute...



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LOL @ Brody's mom. Your co-workers will be VERY jealous of "your" flowers.

I noticed that you are from NY. Are you anywhere near Central NY? My husband is from above Binghampton.

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We are in suburban NYC. My hubby is from Schenectady and Brody and Mia came from Latham and Troy!

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Look, Brody's mom finally figured out how to do this!


The quality is not as good as everyone elses, I think this was taken with my 3.2 megapixel camera and it was definitely cropped.

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Brody's Mom,

From that picture I can see even better how much Brody looks like Tink. It is amazing. Enjoy my flowers at work! I have that picture as my computer background at work. Many times I have had other peoples dogs as my background because they were so cute. It took me months to learn how to use my digital camera and post pictures, so I had to use everyone elses :lol:

Have a great day!



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Beautiful puppies and beautiful flowers! I love Impatiens.... we don't have alot of shade at our house and I really miss them. :confused: Finch tries to chase squirrels and birds, but it's hard to do with a frisbee in her mouth...lol!

ps. Finch wiped out one of my favorite flowers (a Sedum that hasn't flowered yet) chasing her frisbee....but it was my fault....a bad throw landed it in one of my beds!

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I love Finch and her frisbee. I bought one for Tink just like Finch's and it was promptly torn to shreds. So, I bought a plastic one and she totally ignored it. Then I bought another soft one that was torn to shreds. Yesterday I purchased a cute puppy dog that is purple and turquoise and has a squeaker in it. Tink loves it - claimed it as soon as I walked in with it. My dh dies when he tries to add up how much I have spent on toys over the past year. Anyway, I'm wondering how long the cute purple puppy will last. I'm not letting her have it when I'm not in the room. I'm tired of throwing away stuffing and $$$. My dh thinks I'm cruel :lol: ! By the way, thanks for the flower compliment. I love planting flowers, but after that I want them to take care of theirselves!



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Gosh, Tink, Scully, and Brody really do look like triplets!!! They are beautiful!!


I just wanted to agree with everyone else and say your landscaping is gorgeous!!! I think Impatiens are my favorite flower!!!


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I love this group. I'm not sure if it's the compliments on my Tink, or my flowers :lol:



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Linda, I can't believe that your frisbee was torn up so fast! Finch has three (although we have no idea where the orange one is now) and she chews, and chews, and chews it all day long. Do you remember what the name was on the top of the frisbee? I'm wondering if it's the same one. Shoot....sorry about that!

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Shoe, the first frisbee was bought at Petsmart and was pink and looked like Finch's - cost me $16 (don't tell my husband). The last one came from Target, was black and cost $6. I bought it in the toy department. She chews on the nylon, then on the rope or whatever is inside it. She loved it, but chewed it the first day. I looked at them again this week at Petsmart, but refuse to pay $16 again for a toy to chew up. If I still had it I'd take a picture and attempt to post it. :lol:

Everyone have a great day!



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Linda, I bought mine at Walmart and I think they were either $5.99, or $6.99. They come in all kinds of colors and on one side are the word "Flippy Flopper:. We call it her "binky". LOL! It's made out of heave duty nylon and has a rubber hose sewn around the outside. Hope this helps!

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I'll try a different WalMart. The one in our town doesn't have undefined good toys. I thought from your previous posts that you had purchased one from WalMart, but couldn't find them there. I'm gonna keep looking! Thanks for the help.



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