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Cairn Haiku - Poll 5 of 5


Vote for your favorite Cairn haiku  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your favorite Cairn haiku

    • The Frisbee
    • Mom
    • The Crate ...
    • Perfume
    • The Arrival
    • Cairn Pup
    • Bad Cairn
    • Second Chance
    • How You Came to Live With Us
    • Cooper

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The Frisbee

I can smell it now

My frisbee is in the yard?

I just found my friend.



Is Mommy ok?

She seems different today

Lots of hugs and hugs


The Crate......

Mom is getting dressed

I think I will hide over here

Where she won't find me



I so love my humans,

Thus I perfume myself with

this long-rotten squirrel!


The Arrival

Anticipation . . .

Anxiously waiting for you

At last, perfection


Cairn Pup

Fluffy ball of fur

The sweet smell of puppy breath

Instantly in love


Bad Cairn

Thought I was wanted

Thought I met all of your needs

I guess I was wrong


Second Chance?

Alone, caged I wait

for someone to rescue me

Will you be the one?


How You Came to Live With Us

We don't need a dog!

They bark, bite, make a big mess...

She was just too cute



Head cocked to the side,

Ears perky and eyes alert...

Is that treat for me???


This is a poll for choosing a finalist in the Cairn Haiku contest. There are five polls - you may vote once in each of the five polls. The top vote-getter in each individual poll will be placed in a final poll to determine the overall favorite Cairn haiku. This poll will close at 8:00 PM server time (Pacific Daylight Savings Time) on Sunday, August 8.

Note to contributors - while I tried to be reasonably generous in pronouncing words in order to get syllable counts into line, poems that could not be coaxed into 5-7-5 format are not included. While 5-7-5 is not the only format acceptable for haikus, it was the format specified for this contest. All submissions were lovely and worthy of re-reading and I thank everyone who contributed to this fun project in any way.

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