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It's a dog's life, isn't it?


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Scout and Finch get up every morning to go potty.....as most dogs do. They bark at squirrels, the garbage men, or the neighbors going to work. THEN they go back to sleep!!!!!!

We always kid that they have to rest up after their long night of sleeping. :D

Here are Scout and Finch this morning. Scout is on the left looking oh so lady like!


Does your dog do this? They only sleep for a little while, but I just think it's weird to sleep like this after sleeping all night long!

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My cairn girl's schedule will be changing next week when my dd goes back to school. Right now they're sleeping in anywhere from 7:30-8:00 a.m. I take all of them out, give them a treat and some water. Then they too bark at the garbage truck (if it's garbage day) and any vehicles they consider tresspassing in their cul-de-sac. Then they all curl back up in their beds for their morning nap.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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After Fergus' ablutions he goes back to sleep from about 8.30 to 10.00am which gives me a chance to get on my computer in peace and quiet. 10.00am he's raring to go to the beach for a play and walk which usually tires him out, so its back to sleep for him for approx 3 hours in the middle of the day. Can't be bad can it?

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Yep, same here! They go out, scour the yard for anything that doesn't belong there, including birds and leaves, then do their business (in that order), before coming back inside and returning to their kennels.

Wish I could do that!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I'm soooooo glad my two are not the only ones who go back to bed!!!!!!!!!! We laugh about it here at home, because we are so use to it, but it's nice to know it's normal...or at least a "Cairn normal"! :P

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My two usually wake around 7:00 am. We will go out and potty, feed horses and come back in they will start playing after that. But if we wake before 7:00 and follow the same routine Tuff especially wants to come in and go back to sleep. I usually wake up to Tippy kissing my ear :wub: which lets me know she is up and its time to go out. :D

I dread going back to work August 22 the start of school :( cuase I have to get up at 4:30 then and our routine is going to get all messed up. Oh well what can I do gotta work :confused:

Tuff & Tippy

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Guest webstar

Molly stays in bed till 10am. Then its out to check out the yard and do her thing. When she comes back in she finds a sunny spot to take a nap. She does have her sleep disturbed by the neighbors shutting their car doors as they go off to work. Her favorite play time is when I'm ready to go to bed. We take her with us when ever we can. She likes to look out the window and bark at any strange thing she sees. She does sleep under my seat when we are on highways. I guess its her way of not geting car sick when things go by too fast for her to smell or focus on. She gets a couple of good runs a week in at a farm. She was eating blueberries off the bushes there this afternoon.

Molly's Gram

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Liddy is also a post-sleep napper. It must be tough to sleep so soundly, wake up and then go back to sleep ;) And no I'm not jealous at all!!

Shoe, that picture of your two is great. I wouldn't be able to resist giving Liddy a belly rub if she slept like that!

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We get up at 5am, eat, check out the backyard come back to see"papa" off to work and go back in the crate till about 9am. Kai-lee tends to lay around quite a bit during the day but very seldom if ever does she actually shut her eyes. We went out for an all day drive last weekend and that was the first time since March I actually saw her really sleep eyes shut and all. She never has kept us up at night but if Iget up I can bet her eyes will be open!

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