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Riley's First Day @ Home


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What a cute face!!!! How if Riley adjusting to his new home? Thanks for sharing the pictures...and keep them coming!

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He looks positively mellow...no pulling on the leash, no biting at the camera.

Have a ball with him, he's adorable.

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So cute! Great pics! Do we have two new Rileys?

How amazing would that be? We still haven't decided

on a name :( How did you pick Riley? I love it!


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Thanks for all the compliment. Riley's doing great. We've had him for abt 3 weeks. We are so thankful to have a wonderful dog! He's playful and pretty mellow when he needs to be. He's now potty trained. He's learned to sit and fetch. Riley's a very friendly dog. We entertain a lot in our house and people are so surprised on how friendly of a dog he is-he never barks at visitor. I know I'm bragging but I'm such a proud momma ;) . He's a pet store dog(we said we will never get one from a petstore :shock: ) But he is so cute and we just know that he is the DOG for us.

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Boy he is cute, He never barks at visitors how lucky, you are, :thumbsup: Tuff could use some lessons on that. I am glad you decided to get a pet store dog they deserve a good home too, not a cage, he is a lucky dog. ;)

Tuff & Tippy

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How cute, we're still waiting for our puppy to be born !!

I can't wait to tell my son who is named Riley, that there's a cairn terrier with his name. As the puppy is offically going to be his, he is spending hours trying to find a name for it,so far they all seem to come from starwars luke,chewy,yoda,solo,ect

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I would KILL not to have Scully bark at people as they go by the house! Riley is one lucky puppy to have found such a terrific home.

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