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A Few Questions


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Just need a little advice on a few things:

I'm not sure this is what is going on, but Tink acts like mosqitoes are biting her? We have a real problem with mosquitoes here in Memphis this year. She tries to run from something and acts like it is on her back or tail. In the house she is fine, but when we are outside she acts this way. My dh said she even barked at it once last night when they were outside grilling. Would it be safe to spray her with mosquito spray like we do ourselves. I wouldn't do around her face of course, but her back and tail area.

Also, do you have any problems getting your pups to go outside without you. We have a lovely fenced yard that is perfectly safe for her, but she refuses to leave the deck unless we are with her. If I don't go, she sits on the top step and just looks out over the yard. To get her to potty I have to take her down and set her in the grass. If I turn around and go back up the stairs she follows me. Now, if she catches sight of a chipmunk, that's another story --- she forgets about me!!!



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We have a hard time keeping ours in the house! Since it has been nice out, all they want to do is be outside. I could not find them the other night and after searching for 30 minutes throughout the house, found them curled up and sound asleep on the back porch swing! Cooper has found that the kitchen floor is nice and cool and sprawls out on that while inside....outside, he does the same, but under a chair in the shade on the cement patio.

Neither have ever been bothered by bugs....they try to catch them all the time. Yoda's newest craze is hunting for June bugs/beetles......he thinks they are quite a delicacy!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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My 2 do not like to go in the yard by themselves either. They will also sit on the top step waiting for me to walk down with them. They're such babies!! Fortunately, our winters are usually mild, but I'm already dreading the cold wet weather.

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Teona loves outside, I have a hard time getting her to come inside.

Tabitha hates outside. I have to actually step out the door before she will come outside. If I just open the door and stand there, she will not go outside. If I put her outside by herself she just sits at the door and barks and scratches.

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My two love to go outside, but sometimes Scout sits on the front porch and will NOT go in the grass! I guess she doesn't have to go to the bathroom, but she won't even sniff the grass...maybe they are just spoiled with our comfy sofa's, cool house, and lots of treats...lol!

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