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Eating dead birds


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Yesterday early morning, I saw that Alfie had part of a dead bird in his mouth. I wanted him to let go so I went No! No! Eh! Eh! and tried to grab it. Alfie swallowed the thing without chewing :sick: An hour later, he threw the whole thing up :sick::sick: and I tried to flush it down the toilet but the bird feathers won't flush down :sick::sick: <-------- a million times I almost threw up myself.

He's fine now but I wonder if he learned his lesson.....

My DH just told me that he has diarrhea now. We'll be bringing him to the vet for his yearly check-up but this will probably be one of many occurrences where we won't be able to catch what he eats when we walk outside :(

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Scout found a dead bird the other day and was so proud to show it to me!! Yuck! She knows the command "drop it" and she dropped it right away. I put it in the trash...but it really grossed me out! Teaching my two the command "drop it" has come in handy sooooo many times since they love to pick up gross stuff...in fact, Scout had a nice yummy....large...worm in her mouth this morning!

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Teona just killed a baby bird on Tuesday.

I had to put in in a bag and leave it for the trash pickup:(

I have more of a problem with Teona eating poop then coming in the house and throwing it up...YUCK!

You think regular puke is bad, try cleanin up POOP PUKE!

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Both of my boys have this nasty habit of eating dried up, dead worms off the driveway and sidewalk. They eat them like they were candy! :lol: I guess it's good protein for them, but yuck! :sick: Who wants to kiss those mouths after that? Not me! :mad:


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Both of my boys have this nasty habit of eating dried up, dead worms off the driveway and sidewalk. They eat them like they were candy!

Tink tries to do this on her nightly walks with DH and it makes him sooo mad at her. What is wrong with these dogs??? :mad: Can't they just enjoy their healthy dog food.



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Not only does Scout love to eat big, fat, dried up, juicy, dead, alive, worms......she loves to roll in them.....double yuck!

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