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Who does your Cairn L-O-V-E?


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Of course Liddy loves her family, but when certain people visit, she really goes nuts. One good example is my older brother's friend John, who is a quiet guy and doesn't pay too much attention to Lids, but she LOVES him. Whenever he comes over (mostly to play video games with my brother) Liddy does several victory laps and then sniffs John. She'll sit by him and she watches him wherever he moves. I swear her tail wags so fast I'm afraid it will fall off! :lol:

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For the last few days, Mila has been absolutely in love with her little ball. She carries it around, cries when someone else has it and wants to do nothing else except play "ball". Even tonight, I gave her food for supper and she sniffed it and then went to her ball for me to throw it for her. It is like an obsession with her, much like the frisbee another member posted about.

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Winnie loves my mother. My mom has never been what you'd call an animal lover but her and Winnie have bonded big time. And my sister from L.A. adores Winnie too and the feelings are mutual.

Madison is a Mommy's girl (me) although she does respond when hubby plays with her. But I seem to be the one she trusts the most.

Elliott loves everybody but he just adores my son's friend Randy. When Randy comes over Elliott is all over him and he doesn't mind a bit.

It's funny that Elliott is the only dog allowed in my sons room when all his friends come over and are in there playing video games or listening to music....a guy thing?

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Scout is a daddy's girl.....she follows him around the house and whines when he goes outside without her! She will snuggle with him at night and loves to sit on his lap, or curl up around his neck when DH is sitting on the couch. She doesn't do any of this with me.

Finch is torn between her mommy and her frisbee. She loves to snuggle on my lap and sleep and would spend most of her time in my lap, except that frisbee "calls" her name alot and she has to jump down and grap it for a possible "throw session"...lol!

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Savannah is a mommy's girl. She hops in my lap and follows me around the house EVERYWHERE that I go. She only does this to my dh when I am not home. She also LOVES my aunt. Everytime she comes, she does the crazy dog run around the house (I think to show off!)

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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me :)

and my neighbor Jan. She keeps them when we go out of town.

The girls also love Connie the dog groomer. They get to play with the other dogs while they are there.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Darcy is a Daddy's girl. If he lays on the sofa, she is right there wrapped around his neck or some part of her toughing him. At night after play time, she will curl up at the back of my neck on a pillow.

She is my shadow when I come home from work and put on my "bumming around" clothes. She knows it's time for her walk. She will not leave me alone, no matter if it's raining out and I tell her "Not tonight". She just looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I just melt. I even open the back door to show her the rain. We aren't equipped with any doggy raincoats so the walk is off unless it quits raining.

If she's barking at something outside, I can call her and she just ignores me. Let my husband call her name in a stern voice and she comes running. Must be his deep voice that gets her attention.

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Carolina loves DH's best friend Scott. She goes NUTS when he comes over, racing circles through the living room and into the kitchen, around and around. Scott loves dogs and talks to her in a baby voice. As soon as he sees her he shouts, "PUPPIEEEEES!" and "Doesn't anybody give you any lovin?" while scratching her belly, b/c she has now rolled over!

Really, Carolina loves it whenever ANYONE comes over. She just loves having company! But Scott is her favorite company!

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Abe and Scruffy Love whoever has the food. They get excited to see all of us but I guess my son gets the best reaction when he comes out of his room in the mornings they act like the are beside themselves with excitement.

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I have been done wrong! I am the one who researched Carins, found Yoda, and brought him home. I am the one who faithfully makes sure he gets to his vet appointments. I am the one who took him every week for 6 weeks to puppy preschool. I am the one who will pass up buying things for herself at Target in favor of a new toy or collar for Yoda. I am the one who takes him to have his picture with Santa every year and sends them out as our Christmas cards. I am the one who researched the best food for Yoda and makes sure its in stock. And who does he love the most......my husband.

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Brody loves everyone. Mia loves her trainer, Nancy, and Nancy's dog Jadie. Interestingly enough, Jadie also likes Mia, she lets Nancy know that she wants to say hi to Mia when we arrive for our training class (we are always the first to arrive).

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Mine love everybody... well human that is...:)

Murph had a special affinity for my Grandmother though, who's since passed away. When he was younger, he stayed with her for 4 months, while I was away on a work project.

She had swing in her backyard, that she liked to sit in every afternoon and toss food to the birds and squirrels. I have a feeling that Murph use to sit next to her on the swing and he got his share of the bread she was tossing out. Because later in life, I noticed whenever we had an outside bar-b-que at my Mom's, Murph could always be found sitting next to Grandmom on the swing. That's the only other person besides myself that could lure him away from his exploring duties and he'd spend any length of time next to.


Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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Emma is Daddy's little girl. I am her pack leader. She also loves her breeder, Rick. We call him Daddy Rick. She gets so excited when she sees him. My husband gets jealous!

Eric adores me and follows me everywhere. He is always at my side or under my feet.

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Guest girliejr

Jack LOVES my brother! What is so funny about it is that my brother is a cat person. He likes dogs, mainly big dogs like Labs or Goldens, but he would have a cat before a dog anyday! Of course, Jack picks the "cat person" to be his favorite, but Jack has grown on my brother and now they are great friends! :wub:

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