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Savannah and her Baby


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I got this shot the other day with Savannah and her baby. She loves her little sheep!

Let's see pics of our babies with their favorite toys! (Maybe it will give me some ideas on toys to buy that Savannah will like!)


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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oh, this is a fun one................

Teona and her little Teddy (lasted about a month, now it is destuffed)


Little Monkey - now DEAD!!! Tabitha jumped onto the dining room table and killed it. Stuffing guts were everywhere


froggie was an after surgery gift. Destuffed in a few days


tennis ball - the red ball is still alive, but her other ball got deskinned.


no toy is safe with my girls around. I have to buy bones made for aggressive chewers.

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Guest girliejr

I am so glad to know that Jack isn't the only one who destroys toys! No plush toy is safe around him....he can only have Kongs and such, stuff he can't tear up!! :lol:

I have cleaned up my fair share of stuffing too, only I am not as fast as Jack and he literally EATS the stuffing he rips out of toys. :confused: I guess it hasn't hurt him too bad!

These babies are so cute with their toys! I love how the little ones always like the toys that are bigger than they are! :lol:

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Cute, cute pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh, Cairns and their stuffed toys....always a question of how long they will last...will it be 5 min?.....10min?......forever??

Scout's mission it to destroy a toy and record time...and she can take a stuffed animal in 1 min flat! Here she is with the famous Dr Noy toy...I think it was the duck...lol!


Finch only has one passion...her frisbee...sigh....she lives and breathes these frisbees, although she loves her stuffed mouse, stuffed frog, and just about anything you can tthrow across the room. She sleeps with her frisbee, she takes it to bed, and she won't go anywhere in the house without it...lol...sigh!


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Well here's a picture of a toy Scully HATES. She doesn't like anything in her pool. I usually put this chew toy in there and a frisbee and she doesn't want either of them in there. So we constantly throw it in, she gets it out and then gets ticked off and carries it over to the farthest part of the yard.


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Here is one of Brody and Mia with their favorite ball. I think they really love it because it is exactly the right size to roll under the couch where it has to be retrieved by Mom or Dad. They look so cute when they sit right by the spot the ball "rolled" under waiting for Mom or Dad to get it out that Mom and Dad forget that the Cairns actually pushed it under there! DH (Dad) finally made a hook to make retrieval easier!


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Here is one of Brody and Mia with their favorite ball.  I think they really love it because it is exactly the right size to roll under the couch where it has to be retrieved by Mom or Dad.  They look so cute when they sit right by the spot the ball "rolled" under waiting for Mom or Dad to get it out that Mom and Dad forget that the Cairns actually pushed it under there!  DH (Dad) finally made a hook to make retrieval easier!


for that exact reason, no unsupervised tennis ball playing in the house. Tabitha is obsesses with the ball, but always gets it under the couch and then the barking begins.

funny story...

A few years ago hubby remodeled the bathroom. Put new tile down and had the toilet removed from the floor. Tabitha come is with her tennis ball and pushes it to daddy with her nose.........................HOLE IN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tennis ball down the toilet hole. Hubby just had to laugh. Called a plumber and he said it probably went straight down. So far no problems! :)

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funny story...

A few years ago hubby remodeled the bathroom. Put new tile down and had the toilet removed from the floor. Tabitha come is with her tennis ball and pushes it to daddy with her nose.........................HOLE IN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tennis ball down the toilet hole. Hubby just had to laugh. Called a plumber and he said it probably went straight down. So far no problems! :)


That is funny! Brody and Mia don't bark when their ball goes under the couch, they just sit there and wait!

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When Ghillie was a puppy he loved this toy and Smokey loves to get hold of it now. It it so funny because it is bigger than both of them.


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