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risky business....


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We finally did it.....we went on a short trip to Costco (there and back in 40 minutes) and left the dogs loose in the house for the first time. Cooper is two and Yoda is one. I was quite anxious to get back to see what had transpired, but when we got up to the back door, Cooper crawled out of his crate and Yoda came running from the living room. Seems they both rested, Cooper in his crate, and Yoda in the recliner. Whew...they passed the test! I told my husband next time we'll try for an hour!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Way to go Cooper and Yoda! We started doing this with Savannah but she has been baby gated in the kitchen. I don't trust her to have run of the whole house yet! Especially the way that she has been acting this past week! :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Cheers to Cooper & Yoda! :thumbsup: I can remember Abbey passing the first two tests and then failing the third! :mad: That's the time she decided to bite into the kitchen wall. She seems to have outgrown that and I do leave her and Hannah babygated in the kitchen/breakfast rooms up to 2 hrs and they're doing fine.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Here is a tip that works for us with Abe (we haven't tried leaving both the boys for long periods yet)

We leave biscuits or treats at strategic locations and Abe gets to play hide and seek while we are gone. He looks forward to that game.

We have left him for long periods of time, with great success.

Already the dynamic duo are showing signs of co-conspirators. The other evening my daughter caught them coming out of my bedroom, with my bra!!!! Each one had a side, she said she wished she would have had a camera! I can just imagine....sigh*

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We left Scout alone for very small time frames and just increased them. I remember starting with leaving her in the house when we were just in the backyard for 10 min!

With the two of them we started leaving them in the basement (not much to get into) for small periods of time and slowly increased the time. Now they are left in the basement for an entire day while we are working. I am home with them now, but when I go back to work, I'm going to let them have the run of the house...but start this off slowly. Scout was the one who chewed things up and got into things and she hasn't done this in a very long time! I think they mostly sleep while we are gone, and being together gives them the company they need. DH will often come home at lunch to take them out, but they can manage an 8 hour stay alone, which I know we are soooooooo lucky to be able to do!

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I have left mine gated in the kitchen for a few hours at a time, just not the whole first story of the house.....A few months ago, we decided to leave them loose in the kitchen while we were at work, the first couple days were fine, but about the fourth they ate their bed! That was the end of that. The past couple days, I've left them loose in the kitchen when I leave at 0630 till my husband gets home at 0900, but he crates them while he sleeps till I get home at 3pm. I don't know how often I will let them have the run like this, as when they are loose I can't activate the burglar alarm...so, go crazy because the alarm is not on or go crazy because the dogs are loose!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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The other evening my daughter caught them coming out of my bedroom, with my bra!!!!


Hoping that was Abe's mom posting that one! :lol:

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