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The heat before the heat.


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We are going to have temps in the 100's today, so I took the pups out this morning, for an hour, so they could get some fresh air. It gets so hot in the afternoon that they run outside and run right back inside...and I don't blame them!

Here are some pics I took when it was "cool" outside.

Scout and Finch


Scout...her chin hair is still turning red....lol!




How do you handle such heat??? I feel soooo bad that they are being cooped up in the house all day, but I can't even go out in the heat!

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It is near 100 degrees where we are as well. I still take my pup for 4 walks a day, the noon and afternoon ones are usually longer (20 mins). The heat has not deterred my pup from barking -he is comfy in the airconditioned house, barking up a storm at any person, car or bug that happens to walk/drive/fly by our house. :(

ETA: Great pics by the way!! :) Bosco's colors are still changing as well - started out the dark brown/grey, then silver blonde, then ash blonde, now we are into the golden blonde with many dark brown/black hairs (yes he is a brindle pup) and a darker muzzle.

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great pictures. Your doggies are beautiful. I sure hope Teona stays dark like your two are.

It's been very hot here in Houston for quite a while (and raining everyday too). The girls dn't seem to mind. They love to lay out in the sun.

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Tink does not like the heat either. Funny thing is, during the winter she couldn't get close enough to the fireplace :confused:. Anyway, we put her in the backyard and she turns around and walks right back in like - who are you kidding. I'm not going out in that sweltering heat. It is supposed to be 100 here in Memphis this week. Summer has finally arrived.



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Hmmm...maybe I should just fill up the pool and see what happens! I don't leave them outside, by the pool, so I have to be out with them...but I guess I could watch by the window?

Thanks for the compliments on the dogs! Scout is grey with lots of red highlights and Finch was a red brindle who is turning more blonde. She is much lighter than the pic is showing.

Don't ya love the changing colors??? I love it!

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I really have to watch Savannah because she would stay outside 24/7 if I would let her. She doesn't mind the heat but when she starts panting, Mom ruins all her fun and brings her inside. Hopefully she will get over this as she gets older!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Two beautiful Cairns. What could be better? I love their look, the long hair around the faces. I can't get that look with Darcy but it seems you have perfected it with your two. Darcy will lay out on the hot deck in the sun for about 30 minutes panting all the while and then she's had enough and wants to come in where it is cool. Here in Alabama, we are also sweltering with temps in the high 90's and it has rained every afternoon and that just makes it so muggy. The pool idea sounds heavenly.

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Yesterday Denver tied the record for hottest day EVER...105! The last time it was 105 was Aug. 8, 1878. Today they are predicting 108! The thermometer in my back window, (which is getting sun) says 120. Of course we have "dry heat" here with little humidity so it's ok... :w00t:

I usually take Carolina for a walk around 8 AM but the past 2 days I have left at 7:35 and it's hot already. I think we need to leave about an hour earlier! She has NO desire to walk at all and once we get to the park, she takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R and stops at EVERY smell, (it's somewhat shady.) Of course that's not even our halfway point and most of the rest of the walk is in the sun.

She has spent most of the past 2 days in the house. She pretty much only goes out if I do, and then it's right back in to snooze on the couch in the living room.

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It's a hot one here in NW Florida. We get a good breeze, but it's still hot. I wait until after the "heat of the day" and let the cairns outside to play in their kiddie pool and sprinkler for a couple hrs. Our back porch starts getting shade in the afternoon which makes it much more comfortable to sit outdoors.

Shoe, love the picture! Kiara & Hannah look so much like Scout & Finch. My Kiara has the red in her like Scout and Hannah has the cream in her like Finch, but the expression of Scout. Both of mine have red in their muzzle.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Shoe, great photos of Scout and Finch! So regal looking sitting together!

This has been quite a summer and it's not over yet. The humidity has returned and it's been 90+ all week. Anyone live in Alaska? I'd like to visit! Have igloo, I'll travel!

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I just love Finch and Scout :wub: They are so photogenic too.

Not only is the heat brutal, the humidity is positively horrid. Even the dogs are having bad hair days. :lol: I fill their little swimming pool and once in awhile get the hose out with the extended nozzle. Elliott has a blast running through the soft spray of water, trying to bite the water.

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Scout and Finch are just dolls! We are really feeling the heat here outside of St. Louis too. I have filled the baby pool for our puppies and let them get wet for a little bit but we don't stay out very long at all. They don't even seem to mind when I make them come in, which is not like them at all. Grace doesn't seem to mind the heat and will play out in full sun if I don't watch closely, while Spike looks for the nearest shade and a handy stick and settles down for a chew. In the evenings when it has been bearable, we let them play in the pool and chase each other. B) We are taking them on their first "mini-vacation" this weekend and I hope we don't all melt in Branson. We plan to rent a pontoon and let the puppies experience some "big" water! Hope they have fun...(I'm kinda nervous, this is the first long car trip and hotel stay since we got them about six months ago...)

Wish us luck! Linda

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Finch and Scout are just too adorable!

It's been a week of high heat here as well. Scully's getting fussy now - she only wants to go in the pool if I empty it every day and put fresh water in it.

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DD took the pups for a VERY short walk (to the park) after she got off of work and then I threw the frisbee a few times in the backyard. DS filled the baby pool and Scout got right in and layed down! Finch had to be coaxed in, but she did get in on her own...which is a big step for her since she hates the water! I had her sit down, just to cool off and then off we went inside the house....a big 20 min outside! LOL!

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I have popped Pepper (Cairn) and Henry (Westie) in the car this week after sundown and run them over to the city park and lake near our house for a short walk. It has been SO hot (105 or so at sundown, yuck :() that we maybe go the equivalent of a city block and back. The Cairn especially gets so antsy that we need to get out for at least a few minutes.

Sure wished he liked the kiddie pool I bought, but no :mad: ----- Maybe I should get a treadmill too!


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It's really hot here in Ontario, too. We are setting all kinds of records for heat, humidity, and energy consumption. Thank goodness we have central air. The boys just don't go out for long and neither do we. They like their fan blowing on them.

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