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My female, Elsa, is too smart and athletic for her own good :devil: The doorbell just rang, and I ran off, leaving my laptop, glass of wine, and bowl of soup on the table, and my chair slid back....oops (the other night she got up and stole a bone off my plate when I stepped away...nabbed it tho!)

When I came running back in: Elsa is on the table, the wine and soup somehow not knocked over BUT: she was forwarding an e-mail on my laptop :mad: It would have transmitted, too, but she didnt have time to select and address!

I mean, how in heck did she step on just the right keys to do that? Scary!!!

She is totally obsessed with climbing high on everything now...tables, couches...what next!

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Oh how funny!!! These little pups constantly amaze me!!! Abby likes to jump up on tables also. We have found her quite a few times back down on the floor with the cordless phone turned on and punching buttons!!!! Maybe one of these days Elsa can e mail Abby or Abby can call Elsa!!!!


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That is funny about your dog playing on the phone. I work at a large 911 center as a sheriff dispatcher and we get our fair share of hangup calls. One that stands out in my memory was an open line into a house and all you could hear was a barking dog. We had to send the police out as we could not get thru to a person. They arrive and find a dog barking at the voice on the phone who is trying to get a person to the phone! Make sure your phone doesn't have a 'hot-key' to dial 911, or this could happen to you!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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What a hoot!!! Scully is quick adept at the TV remote. :D My husband usually puts it on the sofa next to him and next thing you know she will have changed the channel on him. Or...she knows how to do a split screen thing, something that neither mom nor dad has figured out for themselves how to do.

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Scout and Finch do the same thing that Scully does......wherever the remote is, they can find it and change the channel! We have TIVO, so we are constantly "pausing" the shows to "take care of the Cairns...who else?...and they always find a way to change the channel on us!

I'm glad your email didn't go through and that your wine didn't spill! LOL!

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When I came running back in: Elsa is on the table, the wine and soup somehow not knocked over BUT: she was forwarding an e-mail on my laptop  It would have transmitted, too, but she didnt have time to select and address!

Can you imagine having to explain that to the person that it was sent too!!! "Oh and about that email, the dog sent it". I can see the look on their face! Like a teacher whose student just told them that the dog ate their homework! :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Like a teacher whose student just told them that the dog ate their homework
I guess when a kid goes to school and says "The dog ate my Homework".....He must own a Cairn! :D

I have had a few channels changed via Cairn Controling the remote! But what had me laughing was

One that stands out in my memory was an open line into a house and all you could hear was a barking dog. We had to send the police out as we could not get thru to a person. They arrive and find a dog barking at the voice on the phone who is trying to get a person to the phone!
Can you imagine the police's expressions when they found the dog!? Was it a Cairn? I just checked my cell to besure I don't have 911 input as a speed dial :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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Lol! Connor did eat some of my homework....

btw, I finished the soup after I put her down....dh asserts she probably had slurped it when I wasnt looking! :sick:

Oh well!

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Guest girliejr

All I can think of is doorbell!! How do you get a Cairn to not rush the door and the people on the other side of it?!?!? I could have a big plate of food, but if the doorbell rings, Jack is off like a shot to the door, barking and waiting to see who has come to see HIM. :lol: Too bad the pizza guy isn't as excited to see Jack as Jack is to see him. :shy:

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Hee hee...baby gate! They are not allowed out of the kitchen very much yet....bad things happen: carpet annointed, bathroom trash cans raided, bedroon slippers and socks stolen and dragged under the bed....WHAT HOOLIGANS :devil:

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