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I feel like I have 2 little kids again


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Tuff the angel :devil: that he is was doing his usual barking at something?? So I was just ignoring him. He continued to bark as if he had a real purpose on his mind,:ninja: so I finally got up to investigate; only to find out that Tippy had pulled the trash over and gotten into the turkey breast we had for dinner. :shock: I'm glad to have such a Tattler because Tippy is alot more sneeky than he is...Heck I feel like its when my kids were young :P

Tuff & Tippy

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Guest mrskti

You're lucky you have one that tattles!! Mine just joins in the fun, usually toilet paper! Ellie ripped off the old roll today, I was leaving it as a statement to my husband..... <_<

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My two rat each other out to me if one has a chewy and the other one doesnt! Then I have to go "find" the other chewy which is usually just a couple feet away :mad:

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And I have one who deliberately tries to get the other in trouble...

Case in point...Elliott will go into Madison's crate, start digging and then pee! My poor innocent little Maddy :halo:

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oh man, those stories are so cute, i'm gonna have to get a running buddy for Cosmo. It's alotta work, though, huh ?!

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What a great way to start my morning with these funny stories. I never knew that when you had two they would be like that. Too funny!

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Elliott will go into Madison's crate, start digging and then pee! My poor innocent little Maddy

Still laughing at Elliot! What a little devil! :devil: From the stories you tell, I get the feeling he keeps his Mommy on her toes!!! :thumbsup:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Oh these are too funny! Tuff and Tippy definitely sound like two kids. Sometimes Abbey will steal Hannah's toy (they each have favorites) and take it in her crate. I'll hear Hannah barking once every 20 secs and know something happened. There Hannah will be laying on her belly w/ her back legs extened out, staring into Abbey's crate. Abbey will have her head over the toy refusing to give it back, until I intervene.

I laughed one time when I tossed the three of them a Bil-Jac treat. As Kiara's piece landed, Hannah snatched it first (after eating hers). Kiara's expression was priceless. She looked at me as if to say, "did you see what she did?" Then she looked at Hannah, then back up to the counter where the treats were and then back to me for HER treat.

When hurricane Dennis was approaching (and fortunately for us turned west), Abbey refused to go outside due to the heavy wind & rain, so I put down a wee-wee pad for her. Dh & I were watching the news and I hear something getting ripped up. I go into the kitchen to see that Hannah is shredding Abbey's wee-wee pad. I guess she figured if she could go outside being 6 mths younger, Abbey needs to grow up. :)

Kayharley, keep those Elliot stories coming. :lol: We need to write a book about living w/ multiple cairns.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Laughing out loud Toomanypaws and mrskti!!!!

I can picture Kiara's expression! How funny!

Savannah got a hold of my Dad's glasses 2 weekends ago. Luckily he caught her before she did that much damage (his ear pieces have doggie teeth prints on them but they didn't break!) I think if you had run those glasses over with a car they would have received less damage!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Tuff and Tippy definitely sound like two kids

Yes they do, My husband will call them Michael and Kayla (our human kids) then correct himself to Tuff and Tippy ..."stop arguing"

mrskti :shock:

OH those poor glasses, Tippy got ahold of DH's brand new ones the other day but only the nose pad got damaged, I guess he caught her in time. I will have to show him this picture and remind him nothing within 4ft of the floor is safe. Even your glasses you leave on the end table

Tuff & Tippy

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Crikey! I'm glad my glasses are always on my nose unless I am sleeping!!! And I'm not laughing....I'm not!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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My Collie's a tattler too, which is good, but an enforcer is even better. ;) I never realized how much I relied on my lil' female Cairn, Maddie, until after she passed away. Then all this bad behavior popped up from Oz and Murph (well mainly Murph :)). I had to start putting the garbage up on the counter. Before if they even glanced longingly at it, Maddie'd let'em have what for. I could always count on her to stand guard, without succumbing to temptation herself. :)

I also could no longer leave any food on the nightstand beside my bed. Maddie was apparently warding them off from that too. One day I momentarily left my plate on the nightstand, while I went back to the kitchen for a glass of water. I returned to find Murph stuck between the bed and the nightstand. It was a lil' too far for him to reach, but he'd managed to get his front paws on the table. His back feet, however, were dangling in between, with his butt resting on the bed. Even in his precarious position he was still straining to try to reach the plate.

Until a lil' focused training too, I had to eat with one hand while pushing two dogs away from me with the other. Before, Maddie would sit quietly beside me, while I ate, and the other two sat behind her. Her presence was apparently all that was holdin'em back though. The world was a big ole free for all, without her rules and regulations.

Boy I miss my Girl. She ran such a tight ship. :)



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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Oh my, mrskti...

I hope you'll be able to see future mischief! It's the faces God gave the Cairns that let them get away with murder. How could anyone get angry at those eyes. :lol:

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My boys often go unpunished for their crimes because I can never figure out which one committed them. I've often told my husband we should dust the trash can for paw prints! I love those "Helliott" stories.

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