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It's going to be a long day


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Some of you may remember about a month ago Finch ran away from our house. She darted out of the door and ended up running down a very busy street until a kind woman picked her up in her car and took Finch to her house until I could come get her. It turned out that she was terrified of the roofers next door, who were putting on a new roof!

Well, our neighbors, ON THE OTHER SIDE, are putting on a new roof too! DH tried to tie her up for a few min this morning but I could see she was just too stressed to stay outside. She is now in the basement, panting away, looking up at the basement door (our basement is finished). Poor Finch....any suggestions on how to ease her fears?? It's going to be a long day!

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Poor Finch! Do you think some music or TV might distract her from the banging?

You could give her some toys to take her mind off the noise. If she barks at the noise, best to ignore her or distract her. You don't want to tell her "it's ok" because she will think it's ok to bark at this commotion. Fortunately roofing is a quick job, a day or two. Good luck!

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Thanks, Cairns2! We have a big screen tv in the basement so the tv is on now. I am home all day (for a few months) so she won't be alone. I closed the basement door and that seemed to help a little. I just wish I could get her to understand that these are not "bad" people!

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She might be afraid of the sounds the nail gun makes (my big dog is terrified on any noises like that), there are some seditives you can get from your vet, or someone suggested a 1/2 of a childrens benedryl might calm them, but I would call the vet and check. Maybe you could take her to a park for a while. Good luck wlith her.

PS... at least now, both neighbors are or will be re-roofed; It should last at least 20+ years :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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I agree with Bradl.

Start making noise of your own. Show Finch the hammer and the wood. Maybe if he knows what's making the noise he would be less frightened of it.

We had two ear-piercing fire alarms go off and Wes slept through them. I don't know how.

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Funny, Brad!!!!!!! LOL! You are more than welcome to come over and help with the noise!

ps. on a side note, I'm going through chemo right now, so the noise will have to wait :( ....but feel free to come over and help Finch through her crisis! :P

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Shoe, I'm feeling your pain! We have roofers next door, too! The kids are still going out for potty breaks (and miraculously they are able to focus and do it), but they are barking, barking, barking the entire time - plus we can't go out to play!! Hopefully it will just be for a day or two. Hang in there, Finch!

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Must be "fix-it" time. My next door neighbors are having their bathroom floor taken up and some other work in their house so Scully's not thrilled with the banging, etc.

In a couple of weeks we'll be having some new windows put in. Then it will be a door cut through a cement wall to go from the basement right into the garage. Now THAT noise isn't going to be pretty.

ps. on a side note, I'm going through chemo right now, so the noise will have to wait

I'm SO sorry to hear that Shoe. ((((Shoe))))

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Well to be serious, about the only thing that seems to work for me is to give them a job to do - if you feel up to it, maybe some light training for Finch. If you can get her attention on you and some treats, if she's busy learning to roll over, or shake hands, or something, it might take her mind off worry about the noise.

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The biggest distraction for Finch right now would be for you to get ANOTHER Cairn. :shock:

And being serious....I'm also sorry to hear you're going through treatments. I'm sure having Finch around is wonderful for your spirits. These dogs have a way of healing our minds and in turn helps heal the body.

How's your roof, by the way?

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LOL, Kay! I HAVE two Cairns.....lol! Scout is 3 years old and Finch is 1.5 years old...two is plenty. :P

ps. my roof is fine...we built this house 4 years ago so we should be ok for another 16 years...crossing fingers!

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Poor Finch! She just can't win this summer!

It sounds like you could use some prayers yourself, so I'll send some up. :hug:

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Prayers from here too! I was on weather.com today and they had some tips for dealing with thunderstorms, maybe you could apply it. None of it was too exciting, but they recommended making the dog a cozy den, somewhere they can hide, but easily get out of. We had a major thunderstorm yesterday and Brody made himself a nest on DH's lap and didn't move for about an hour. Mia alternated between barking at the storm and sitting on my lap.

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Prayers for Shoe and wishes that they will finish the roof QUICK for yours and Finches sake!!! :hug:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Finch made it through the day...whew! I had to drag her outside TWICE before she would actually relax and go to the bathroom! She spent all day in the basement and I even had to bring her food downstairs for her...lol!

This morning we discovered that the roofers are gone and Finch is back to normal...yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, we just have to make it through with the house being built across the street!

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Coming in late and glad Finch made it through yesterday. These tough little dogs sure can act like a sissy at times. We had thunder rolling in yesterday. Only Kiara was outside w/ the big dogs in a temporary fenced area while the rest of the yard is cleared/sodded. I was busy laying sod trying to beat the rain and Kiara was getting more and more vocal about the thunder getting louder. I told her she had to be a big girl and put her in the sunroom where she could still see me. I try to believe that I can actually reason reason w/ her. ;) My dh's cockatoo was watching a video which I turned louder to block out the thunder. I went back outside to throw more sod and Kiara actually settled down. I'm trying the "tough love" approach w/ her regarding thunder & rain. :lol: She was getting so bad, if she heard someone's sprinkler system kick on, she started whining.

:offtopic::wub: Sending up more prayers for you Shoe. :wub:

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Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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My dh's cockatoo was watching a video which I turned louder to block out the thunder. 


:lol: It sounds like you're talking about a preschooler! :P

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I, too, am thinking of you Shoe and wishing you only the best! Your sweet little Cairns must be good company for you. What would we do without them?


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