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Several months ago I posted that I was going to pick out a Cairn puppy from a breeder. I had been registered with the Humane Society for a year waiting for any type of small terrier to rescue. The very week we were to go put a deposit on a puppy, I got a call saying that a 5 year old Cairn Terrier was surrendered for adoption.

Two days later, we welcomed home Shady Lady. She is a 5 year old pure bred Cairn (as you can see) and her only fault is that she is overweight. 25 lbs! Her previous family was an elderly couple, and the woman developed Alzheimer's. The man brought Shady to one of the Humane Society's adoption booths at PetSmart and gave her up because they could no longer car for her properly. How heartbreaking! :(

She has no bad habits; no biting, chewing, barking, peeing or pooing indoors. She was a "plug n play" dog and has the best little personality. She is quite overweight, but we have gotten her down to 24 lbs with a target weight of 20lbs (still big for a Cairn, though). All of her records were with a local vet, and we discovered she is on Hill's RX Diet C/D for a bladder stone problem. She had surgery in January, but seems to be done fine. Anyone have any experience with this?

We are still struggling to achieve that "Cairn look" - they cut her like a schnauzer before we adopted her and she looked just awful. I'm in Tallahassee, FL so if anyone knows of any good groomers in the area, please let me know. Our next purchase will be the Mars Coat King.

Finally, I have been considering having the vet forward a letter/picture to the previous owners. If I had to give up a dog, I would want to know that he/she found a happy, safe home. However, do you think it would be too upsetting for the elderly couple? I am torn, but want to do the right thing.

Here's a picture of the Shady Lady with my boyfriend, Brian:

http://www.ls1camaro.net/freehosting/shady & brian.JPG



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She is beautiful! Congrats on the addition to your family! You are lucky to have each other. I think it would be nice to send a letter to the previous owner's family with a photo. I think they will be happy and relieved that Shady Lady has such a nice, loving home. It could ease any guilt or hurt they had in giving her up.

As for the kidney stones, my only experience is that one was suspected in Eric last year but he must have passed it. When my vet told me about possible surgery she said once it's done, that's it. The Hill's food is to prevent reoccurence. I use the feline version of the food for one of my cats.

Emma and Eric send best wishes and kisses to the lovely, Shady Lady.

All the best to you!


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Thanks, Cynthia, Emma, and Eric!

We just love her name ... even though it makes her sound like a street walker! I have often wondered why she was named that.

Do you think I should send a photo of just Shady or me, Brian and Shady? I don't want it to be too painful. Perhaps I should include my phone number, too - I wouldn't mind them coming to visit her, though I don't know if they would want that.

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You're welcome, Beth!

Whatever photo you prefer. It might be nice to send one with both of you so the family can see how happy she makes you. Enclosing a phone # is very thoughtful.

I can't imagine where the name came from but I do like it! Gives her character!

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Congratulations on your new cairn! Shady Lady looks sweet, and she's lucky to have found you!

I think the former owners will appreciate a photo and a note. If I had to give up Alfie for any reason (knock on wood), I would want to know that he'll be happy in his new home. It will be less traumatizing for me, too.

However, I'd think twice about keeping in touch. In the beginning, Alfie's former mommy wanted us to update her. It was OK in the beginning, but later it felt like she was comparing notes and needed to know she was the better owner (maybe to make up for the guilt of giving up Alfie). For example, when I said Alfie was urine-marking around the house, the ex-mommy's answer was, "Oh, no, no, no, we did not allow that in the house, you let him do that????" . Something like that.

I hope this helps. I'm sure you'll enjoy Shady Lady!

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Congrats on your new addition! I think a note and a picture would be a nice gesture and greatly appreciated!

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Congratulations on your new addition, Miss Shady Lady! She is absolutely adorable.

I'm in full agreement that a note and a picture would be terrific. You never know what joy it might bring to them.

Best of luck to you and we hope to hear more about Shady Lady.

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:D Congrats! on Shady Lady. I think that was pure luck she came up just as you were going elsewhere. I agree a picture and note just to let the former owners know she has a new loving home would be wonderful. Now the man can feel free from guilt and take care of his wife. I wouldn't suggest keeping contact with them because as Anna_525 mentioned things might turn out to be difficult. Good luck with her I'm sure with a low calorie diet and some exercise she will drop to a healthy weight soon. :) Heck; I need to follow that advice :whistle:

Tuff & Tippy

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hello................... hey, don't I know you...LOL

I'm so glad you told me about this place, I love it here.

Shady lady is beautiful.

Tabitha and Teona send you kisses :)

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Why not send the picture and the note through a third party, namely the Petsmart who helped you adopt Shady Lady?

The couple and Petsmart will know she has been safely placed. And your kind note will be appreciated without your getting overly involved.

Alzheimer's is a strange illness. The couple may have forgotten their surrender of Shady Lady which would bring a host of problems to your door.

Been there!



P. S. Shady Lady is a sweetie!

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Hi Beth, and welcome! Congrats on adopting Shady Lady. It was definitely serendipity! As soon as I saw her picture, I thought her name was perfectly suitable for her. She is a shady hue.

I agree that you should send a note and a picture (of all of you) so that the previous owners can rest assured that she is, indeed, in a loving home. I know if I were in that situation I would want to know, too. But I wouldn't encourage further communication for the reasons stated above.

Good luck with Ms. Shady and please continue to post here to keep us updated on her!


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hello................... hey, don't I know you...LOL

I'm so glad you told me about this place, I love it here.

Shady lady is beautiful.

Tabitha and Teona send you kisses :)


Hey Teri! Glad you like it here. Shady says hi to Tab and Teo!

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Why not send the picture and the note through a third party, namely the Petsmart who helped you adopt Shady Lady?

The couple and Petsmart will know she has been safely placed.  And your kind note will be appreciated without your getting overly involved.

Alzheimer's is a strange illness.  The couple may have forgotten their surrender of Shady Lady which would bring a host of problems to your door.

Been there!



P. S. Shady Lady is a sweetie!


I will be sending the letter through the vet that has cared for Shady while she was with her former owners. I asked them if they had an address on file for them and they agreed to forward the letter.

I believe it was only the woman who developed Alzheimer's, in which case the older gentleman would remember. He was the one who brought her in to be surrendered. :(

I will write a short note and post it up here before I send it to get some reviews.

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