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abe's dad

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We did something on am impulse today. We were visiting with the inlaws and father-in -law mentioned seeing a Cairn for sale on the local access channel. So us being the people we are said Turn the TV to the channel and let us have a look. Sure enough there he was for sale for $200 and within a 15 minute drive. After much thought and discussion we decided to go have a look . We were expecting a terror ,but when we got there we discovered this mild mannered well behaved beautiful dog about 1 year old. Scruffy is the name and he bonded imediately with our dd. After much more thought and an option to bring him back if him and Abe can't get along. We gave the family the money and off we went. We now have an addition to the family in a little furry somewhat timid Cairn by the name of Scruffy he is the one on the left. Abe is on the right.


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You're my kind of people....I would have done the exact same thing.

He is gorgeous as is Abe...actually they have very similar coloring.

Having 2 Cairns is double the fun of having one. Having 3 Cairns is triple the fun of having two...must I go on?

Enjoy and congratulations

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THanks Folks, as for the similar coloring after talking with Srcuffy's previous owner we discovered that he came from the same breeder as Abe so they may be related. We are tickled to death . Scruffy didn't seem to have a bad life he was on a farm with all the running room he could ever want. THe people were looking for a good home for him because she wanted more of a lap dog.

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That picture is priceless! I just love the look on Abe's face as he looks over this new family member. Yes, you did the right thing and I hope this works out for you. Both Abe and Scruffy are gorgeous cairns.

Please keep us updated as to how they're getting along.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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You have two very handsome boys!!! You were just meant to have Scruffy - what a wonderful story!!!! Congratulations and enjoy all the fun!!! Please post more pictures!!!


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WOW! That is SO great! Congratulations on your new addition and he looks like a terrific one at that. You absolutely DID do the right thing.

I can't wait until we can get another one!

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I couldn't help but laugh at the look on Abe's face! You can picture him saying"You mean he is going to stay?!?!?!" Too funny!

Great story! How neat that they may be related!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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No , you haven't lost your mind, yet. That usually happens AFTER you own a Cairn!

Congrats on the addition to your family! Really nice of you to adopt that dog.

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AbesDad, that's *exactly* how we ended up with our Scruffy! It was the best impulse decision we ever made. Scruffy and Tucker are best friends, inseperable, and I like to think of them as the Dynamic Duo! You're definitely not crazy, and you'll find that you have more time just to sit back and enjoy the show they put on. Your Scruffy is absolutely beautiful! Congrats on the new addition to your family! ;)


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Good Morning.

Just thought I would update, after one night.

Abraham, has a wary tolerance for Scruf, so I am relieved. They ate side by side from Abe's extra bowl we keep around for travel, and share the water. Scruffy was kept outside and had the run of a farm. But has been taught a few manners. He wants to mark everything (which we expected) and has NO IDEA what a potty pad is. But, knows how to let us know when he wants to go out.

I am not sure if we have told you the funny story of Abe's fences or not, but they are very low barriers, maybe 5/6 inches high. Since he was a pup he got used to that, and we have never had to change anything. He stays inside. This morning Scruf and he went out for a constitutional. My daughter heard Abe bark, and Scruf is out in the road! I was glad Abe didn't decide to follow him. and I see we will have to work on teaching Scruffy-his perimeter.

Any tips, or thoughts or just general comments will be appreciated. As we all learn to get along.

Abes Mom

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It looks like Abe is thinking 'what am I doing over there when I am over here???'.....they look so much alike!

Congratulations and have fun!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Awwww, congrats on the new addition to your family!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sound like they have bonded already...lucky you and everyone!

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thank you so much for the out pouring of encouragement and support!

I still can not get over that she could just sell poor ole' Scruffy without a by your leave! Just because he was not the lapdog she envisioned!! GOOD GRIEF. That is kind of like, saying hmm........hubby didn't take the trash out like I thought he was gonna.......blam! You're outta here.

Can you imagine.

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Hello all.

(Brad, I can not believe that you forget to take the trash out.......tsk tsk*)

I thought I would give a brief update. I was concerned, because I thought Abe seemed very stressed to have Scruf around.

However, yesterday, they made strides toward actually playing together and sitting within a foot of one another. Abe will sometimes, pop up and growl like, "wait! I forgot I don't like you" it is funny. and poor Scruf is just as humble and submissive as he can be, even though he is quite a bit bigger then Abe.

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

Abe & Scruf Mom

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What a cute picture! I swear they look so much alike that it is scary! So glad to hear that they are warming up to one another!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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