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"Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"


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I just shot this of Scully. She loves grandmom's sofa - smooshing the pillow until it's the right shape and then plopping on it for a snooze. As you can see, a lot of times we can't find her because she blends into the sofa.

Does anyone else have pictures of their "kid's" favorite sleeping positions?


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oh Scully looks so cute!

Sleeping is one of Grilly's favorite hobbies :P


I love the pink belly on this one!



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Great pictures!

Here's a picture of Scout and Finch laying on my DS's lap together.


They look like they are one dog. LOL!

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Oh Shoe, that's a great one! They look like siamese cairn twins. :lol:

Whenever dh, dd and I have our three snuggled w/ us on the couch/recliner while watching a movie, I'm too lazy to grab the camera of Kiara, Abbey & Hannah sleeping. They'd probably wake up if they heard me move, especially Hannah being she's always on my lap.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Cairns are so cute when they are sleeping! They look so innocent (Yeah right, they are dreaming about their next "adventure"!)

Savannah "laying in the sun!"


Savannah sleeping on HER blanket:


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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What is it with Cairns and pillows? Emma likes to rearrange the pillows on the bed then plop down on top of them! We call her The Queen!

These photos are terrific! Savannah is so adorable. Love Kiara and Abby in the Yin/Yang pose and little Hannah is just precious!

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Joanne, that's exactly how Tucker likes to lay on our couch! They also both like to nap on my bed whenever I'm on the computer. (so they can keep one eye on me I guess!) Here's one of Tucker when he was a puppy.



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Liddy is a pillow hog, too! And of course she opened her eyes just as I took this (I'll try to sneak up on her later).


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Here is Carolina in her favorite place and position! It's actually a cat "hammock" but the cat never uses it. From here, she can keep an eye on our birdfeeders and watch for squirrels!


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LOL! That picture of Carolina in the cat hammock is just too much! My co-workers must think I am nuts as I really am laughing out loud.

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Um, it doesn't look like Carolina is keeping an eye out for anything! That picture is priceless. I want a cat hammock! (But I would need 3 - one for the actual cat, too)

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