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Well it has taken me half the morning to put pics on Photobucket and then I don't have them in the right order. :( I'll have to figure that out later!! Hopefully you'll be able to see some pics of Max. We are building a pond in the back yard and as you'll hopefully see, he can't stay out of it. Then there are pictures of him with my youngest son, Jacob and one from the breeder (the one with the pink blanket)

Here's the link... http://photobucket.com/albums/b389/maximusmama/

Max was born Jan. 10, 2005


Sheila - mom of Maximus


A pond?? Your Cairn is going to have soooo much fun!! And I'll bet he brings alot of neat little critters to your door :lol:

Thanks for sharing the pics....precious.


Max looks like he could be Alfie's kid brother!

Alfie also likes swimming in our backyard stream. Have fun!


How sweet, he looks like Tuff, I bet he will just love the pond what a lucky dog. :D

Tuff & Tippy

Guest mrskti

wow, that looks like Ellie in her pool!!!!!!


Those are terrific! My favorite is "Max Helping Dad." Scully is always supervising dad when he's working around the house. I wish I had a scanner because I have pictures of my first Cairn at 10 weeks with my nephew who looked to be your son's age. The pictures are almost identical!

I've learned something new about Cairns, even after having one previously for 14 years. I never knew they took to water like this.


Your Cairn is adorable. How old is he? Mine is 10 wks & a terror :devil: Does is calm down when they get older? I sure hope it does <_<


great pictures :)

I have 2 ponds in the backyard and the girls don't seem interested at all in them. Teona did fall in once when she was little, but I was right there to help her out.


Max is so cute! He looks like he's grown a lot through the pictures. And he looks like one happy little guy. :)


Thanks for taking the time to look at Max's pictures. When we saw the pictures of Ellie in her pool, my kids could have sworn Max went on vacation without them! I just looked at Alfie's dogster page and yes they do look like brothers. I have to see a pic of Tuff yet. I'll nose around on the board more. :D My son absolutely adores Max. Jake will be 9 in Sept. Max is 7 mos. All summer they have been sleeping together in a "pup" tent in our living room.

Rainey they do calm down more as they get older I was really worried for awhile. :shock: He seems to get more clever though at his misdeeds. Keeps me on my toes. My husband just said the other day that he was "finally" turning into a good dog. So what does he do? Digs a hole through the bath mat in my bathroom to "bury" his chewy. :mad: The one thing that bothers me the most is that he gets so overly excited at people that he jumps on them and being summer he scratches their legs. I think I need to post about that in the behavior forum. Thanks again for looking!


Sheila - mom of Maximus


You sure don't ever have to thank us for looking at Cairn pictures. We ADORE looking at each other's "kids."

How cute is THAT - your son and Max sleeping in a "pup" tent!


Wonderful pictures...and soooo lucky to have a pond!


Great pictures!!!! Max sure looks like he's having fun!!! Thanks for sharing them!!



Great pics!!!!

My husband just said the other day that he was "finally" turning into a good dog.

It is so interesting that you should say this. We JUST started saying that about Savannah the past week or so. It must be the right age, she was born January 8, 2005, so they are about the same age. Savannah looks a lot like Maximus but she is looseing her black mask around her face. In fact, I am wondering if she is changing colors. The ends of her caot towards her body are gray but the other ends are wheaten. I guess time will tell!

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