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I got It! Woo Hoo


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This is Tuff at about 8 weeks oldc12f012b.jpg

Tippy's pic when I chose her from the Breeder68d7780f.jpg

And Tuff again doing what he does best BARKING (8 weeks old)a7ad7c81.jpg

Thats about all I have on this PC but now that I know how I can post more updated pictures at a later time. I just wanted you all to finaly see them. :)

Tuff & Tippy

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OMG! How darling!

Glad you finally were able to post. Isn't it a tremendous feeling when it finally works?

I know I did the dance of joy when my first pics finally went through!

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Oh look at that puppy fluff!! Tuff and Tippy could be stuffed toys!! I love that first one of Tuff, he looks so noble (and after reading the story of his name, that pose really suits him).

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Thank You everyone :) They just keep amazing me with their antics, Tuff looks quite different right now, much more adult, but Tippy is still a ball of fluff. I have to transpher the latest photos from my laptop to this computer which I will get to soon. Till then Thanks for the complements. B)

Tuff & Tippy

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They are absolutely adorable. Beautiful little pups! You must be very proud of them. Thanks for sharing their pictures.


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The next pup I get will be a young one! Tink was 12 weeks and cute as could be, but I've never had an 8-week old Cairn before. They are just so cute at that age. My first Cairn was 5 months when we got him. When I retire I plan on adding to the family!



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Guest Darcy's Mom

Well, that barking pix of Tuff really bears his name out doesn't it? He's sooo cute. And Tippy is adorable also. Two precious pups.

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