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Barking x2


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Tuff has always been a barker, I should of named him Bob Barker :lol: but anyway Tippy my silent little one :halo: Barked along with Tuff today at~*~ a noise....... ;) All noises beware now!!

Tuff & Tippy


It's called Harmony, Isn't it?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Yes it is; If I could record them maybe we could put our some Cairn Christmas Carols! :whistle:

Tuff & Tippy


Sounds like a rite of passage for Tippy!

All noises beware now!!

HAHAHAHA! :lol: This cracked me up!

Guest Darcy's Mom

It's only the beginning, believe me. Wait till they grow a little and they get that high pitched, butst your eardrums type of bark! At least my Darcy has that kind of bark and I believe others have said the same about their Cairns. It' s very different and you'll be searching for your earmuffs or cotton to put in your ears because it will truly hurt your ears if you re within five feet of them.


After a while you really develop nerves of steel and not much startles you.

Guest mrskti

Dori has that high pitched bark, inside a small car it's murder!!! Ellie sounds like she's hoarse when she barks...it's sorta funny. In the morning she doesnt bark to get out, she sounds like that old cartoon dog that when he laughed it just sounded like har har har har....it cracks me up. Then my little yapper kicks in!!! I'm up, I'm up already!!


Gracie does that kind of high pitched, hoarse barking at everything now. Doesn't matter what it is, human or not (it might just be a box or bag she hasn't noticed before) she starts going and really gets into it. I think she likes the sound of her own voice. Spiker mostly observes everything without much noise. :)


Awwwww, barking in stereo.....lol! Yep, we have it here too!


HA! That is why we named our Cairn SQUEAKY. She really does Squeak when she barks and Oh jeeze run for those ear muffs!!! :!:


Try adding the noise of a barking lab and squawking cockatoo to three yapping cairns and you have your own home theater sound system. :w00t:

When my cairns really get worked up, they yodel. I crack up about the time I was in the shower and there was something outside that stirred the cairns up, (any movement in our cul-de-sace stirs them up). I wasn't there to threaten them w/ the rolled newspaper, which works for me. As I was drying off, they began to yodel and then as I got dressed, my lab joined in. It's a sound I should have recorded. The sound of 3 high pitch yodels and 1 deep lab yodeler would have made a great Halloween eerie sounding cd.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


I swear one of these days they're going to give me a heart attack with their unexpected outbursts!

I understand the doorbell, the cat in the yard, the birds in their nests but when all is quiet and they're asleep next to me on the sofa and all of a sudden Madison will spring up and bark like there's no tomorrow, I jump a mile.

How come I didn'tI see that liitle speck of dust land in front of her nose and get myself prepared?


It comes with the territory...love your Cairn, love their bark.


LOL :D Yodel? boy I'm in for it, we have 2 big dogs outside who join in with the local coyote club so its a big sing along if these little ones hear them I'm sure they will sing along too. The other morning Tippy was making this weird sound it woke my DH and I both up. It was like she was starting a car in her sleep, kind of like eerrrreerrrreerrrr :huh: it was hilarious :D

Tuff & Tippy


Yes, those sudden outbursts do wonders for my blood pressure!

I do understand the doorbell, when it is OUR doorbell, but not when it's on the TV!

The barking and spinning is quite a spectacle!


LOL Savannah barks at doorbells on TV and at other dogs barking on TV. When she barks at the dogs she actually runs and barks st the TV. When it is a doorbell, she runs to the front door barking and looks out the window!

Speaking of barking, the other day Savannah was playing with her toys and ran top speed after one of them. When she slid on the wood floor, she slid right into my rug and flipped the corner of it over on the wrong side. She barked at that thing like I have never heard! She scared me to death! My dh came running in thinking that something had to be attacking her or me!!! She wouldn't stop barking until the rug was turned back. Then she went along with her business like nothing ever happened! Silly dog! I swear I jumped a foot off the couch! :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


The barking at inanimate objects really gets to me! With a Cairn everything has to be in its place or the barking will commence! Saturday we had a family get-together at our house and I had to rearrange some furniture. Well, Miss Emma thought the aliens were landing! There were these sudden outbursts as she would find a table where it didn't belong or a chair out of place. These dogs need therapy!


"These dogs need therapy"

LOL! I think we could use it along with them!

Guest Cindy

In reading the entries on this page, I noticed someone mentioned the "spinning" their Cairn does. Is this typical behavior? We have 2 Cairns, Rick and Elise. Rick loves to spin around in circles when he's "working" for a treat. He also loves to say "hubba, hubba" and seems to try to be very "talkative". Of course both of them LOVE to bark. They protect our "airspace" very well. The Air Force will have a very tough time if they ever decide to attack our house:)


Carolina spins when she's playing with our cat. She'll do the play stance with her butt in the air, barking at the cat, (who is preparing to get the heck outta there!) and then she'll spin around right back into her play stance. I really should try to get it on video someday!


Hi Cindy, did someone teach your Cairns to spin? We learned this trick in puppy manners class as a way to have fun and take a break from the more serious training. Emma has to spin for her supper! The barking and spinning is different. This is barking at something and then spinning around to get to me as if she was Lassie and she's trying to tell me Timmy fell in the well! LOL! She usually ends with something that sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.

We call the hubba hubba, habba habba in our house and I guess it's perfectly normal. Terriers make all sorts or noises and it's fun trying to figure out what they all mean. Cairns also smile. Some mistake this for aggression and showing their teeth but they are just chillin! - Cynthia


Hi Cynthia-

No, no one taught Rick to "spin", he just started doing it one day. He does it especially when he wants a treat, but occasionally will just "spin" through the house (kind of like a tornado:)).

If you have one of the Shark floor sweepers, you might want to try sweeping the floor with 2 terriers attacking the shark! They seem to think it another one of those varmits, and they certainly won't let any varmit go untouched! Our female, Elsie, does most of the attacking while Rick barks and seems to be the backup man.....that's our babies!



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