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Puppy Connor is a Good Boy


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Well, for some reason neither pup would potty before bed last night, after three trips :mad: . Ususally they just go on command like little soldiers. So I hustled them into crates, woke up dh snoring on the couch and went to bed. Guess Mom didint latch Connor's crate properly.

Around midnight-thirty, baby Connor got out of his crate, crossed acres of tempting carpet to pee on and things to chew on, raced upstairs and jumped on his Daddy in bed! :halo:

Well, needless to say, they both were ready to go out and do their business. He didnt do one naughty thing. He COULD have wrecked the house all night!

who needs Lassie!

Is Timmy in the well, Connor? Woof? Lets go find him!

Lets hear about other brilliant Cairns!

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Good boy, Connor! Are you sure he didn't open the crate? Emma learned how to open hers after a few weeks. First time I thought I hadn't latched it properly. Second time, I was sure it was latched. Third time I watched as she used both front paws to open the latch. She would stand on her back feet, use one paw to bang on the door and the other paw to hit the latch at just the right time so that with all the shaking of the door the latch lifted up and she was out in seconds. And she was quite proud of herself! Her breeders said in 20 years of raising Cairns, this is the first one to accomplish this feat! We keep a leash clamp on the door now.

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Uh oh....I sure hope not. Gee he's only 4 months old. If he is opening crates already, yikes! Naw....I musta left it loose :confused:

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So funny that you should mention this! Yesterday was my Grandpa-in-law's 88th birthday so we had plans to meet him along with some other family member's to eat dinner. I always feel bad when I have to put Savannah in her crate when we leave, especially on a work day when she has already been in there for a good part of the day, so I told my dh that I wanted to see how she did if we left her baby gated in the kitchen while we were gone (scary!!!). We were gone for almost 3 hours and when we got home, she hadn't had an accident or gotten in to anything she shouldn't have. I was so proud!! My little baby is growing up!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Well I'd say the REAL Lassie is a slacker after reading that story! :D

Savannah'smom, isn't that the greatest feeling? Twice I actually left Scully the whole house - only because I was going to be gone 10 minutes to go pick my mom up. Both times she was sound asleep on Grandmom's sofa, good as gold.

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