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Planning on getting a cairn...


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I am going to be getting a cairn soon ( :D ) and I first need to prepare and whatnot. My question is what is the appropriate size crate? I am checking some pet stores for crates and I have no idea what size Im looking for... :confused: Help anyone?

Edit - Sorry if this is thr wrong forum....

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My favorite Kennel-Aire wire crate is 16W x 20H x 24L. We have a passle of plastic crates for the car, guests, temporary use, etc. and most are either 16W x 14H x 24L (Kennel-Cab Intermediate) and 18W x 16H x 26L (Kennel-Cab Large). We also use a very small crate when they're puppies. If you are looking for spaciousness and the ability to jump around, use an ex-pen instead. If they can stand up and turn around, it's probably OK.

And congratulations!

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All 3 of mine are 18x24 wire crates. My last one purchased came with a divider which was great when the puppy was small.

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It is probably fine, the Dog.com catalog (also a website) says that crate is recommended if you want the convenience of a quick folding crate and don't need a really heavy-duty model. It also says 7-,9-,12- gauge wire is used on all Midwest crates (I'm sure all that info comes from the Midwest literature). We have two Cairns and travel with their crates (Life Stages from Midwest). In the car it is nice to have a crate with two doors.

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Here's some info on choosing a plastic crate or wire. We like plastic beause it's easy to travel w/ them.


I have these kennel cabs for my three cairns. My oldest is in the intermediate size, my middle cairn is in a medium and my youngest still loves the small size. I was able to get matching bottoms on mine.


Pet Smart has the same cab at a better price but their small is much smaller than Fosters, and I'm not sure if you can change the colors.


Congratulations on your new pup! I wanted to add that all of mine were in the small size as puppies.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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