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Spiders - dangerous for our pups?


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Okay, I am grossed out. I just noticed a bunch of baby spiders (ewww!!!!) crawling on our ceiling - we are pretty good about cleaning, but we must have missed something since it seems a spider nest/egg hatched! :sick: If my pup eats one or two (small moving object, he won't touch it - NOT!) is it dangerous??

I am so grossed out, and have no idea what to do. Just hoping they all escape out the screen window, and quickly. :(

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I wouldn't think so, Milopup. Unless it was a venomous spider and it bit him while being swallowed, I think you're in the clear.


If you were in my shoes/slippers last night, I think you would have had a major anxiety attack.

I am also a very clean housekeeper but from time to time we get the lost insect who is looking for it's family under our roof.

Well, here I am snuggled in bed when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a decent size spider dropping down near my ear. :whistle:

He was crawling down the page when I scooped him up, cupped him in my hand and deposited him outside on the deck into my vegtable plantings.

I happen to like spiders and one of the most beautiful of all is a garden spider with all of their intense gorgeous colorings.

And to get back on topic before Brad bans me, although I find it funny to watch my Cairns snap and lunge at moths on the deck at night and the fly who refuses to fly out the window but just has to annoy me...I say it's fair game for my dogs...BUT those poor helpless spiders who do nothing but spin dainty webs in the corners...they deserve a break.

Charlottes Web rules!!

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Well I am a fan of CW, but after spending an hour with my mom trying to clean out spider webs from behind the panel of our sliding curtains, and killing many many little crawlers, I have little sympathy for the spiders at the moment. Hopefully we got most of them, though I still see a couple of babies crawling about. :sick: BTW - these are the usual house spiders, nothing pretty or colorful.

(Though insects are still better than rodents - :sick::sick::sick: )

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Per cairns I asked an exterminator about getting rid of spiders and he said that spiders eat other bugs and should be left alone unless they are a real problem (I would consider a nest a problem and would have taken the vacuum to the nest). Post cairns we don't exterminate in the house anymore. Speaking of :offtopic: does anyone have the Dyson vacuum. I joke that I collect vacuums because I have several and none work well, I'd like to add the Dyson Animal to my collection (you know for the pet hair!), but the high cost has impeded my impulse.

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Dyson fan-boy here. We have the Animal but to be honest never really use that particular attachment. Thanks to the commercial my wife and I have started saying "I just think things should work properly" in a fake accent whenever we think the sentiment is warranted. :P

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If only we can find the nest - but anyway tried to clean up as much as we could see, and keeping our fingers crossed. Something new everyday....

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Per cairns I asked an exterminator about getting rid of spiders and he said that spiders eat other bugs and should be left alone unless they are a real problem (I would consider a nest a problem and would have taken the vacuum to the nest).  Post cairns we don't exterminate in the house anymore.  Speaking of  :offtopic: does anyone have the Dyson vacuum.  I joke that I collect vacuums because I have several and none work well, I'd like to add the Dyson Animal to my collection (you know for the pet hair!), but the high cost has impeded my impulse.


Waving my hand here, I have a Dyson and LOVE it. :thumbsup: I decided to invest in one after researching vacuums and reading about them, especially the positive comments on the HGTV bd. I was so amazed at the cat hair my Dyson has picked up that I'm not sure I want another cat after this one. To me the cost was well worth it. I spent more money over the years on cheaper vacuums that didn't last long. Probably the only negative thing I can say is that my oldest cairn, Kiara wants to attack it.

Kayharley & Milopup, you're grossing me out. :sick: I do not like spiders and would have no problem sucking one up w/ my Dyson, especially if one was crawling down next to me on his web. I'm not giving my cairn girls a chance to get sick on one if I can help it. Sorry, but feeding my dh's reptiles crickets is easy compared to dealing w/ spiders.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I have a Dyson too, it's one of the few things that cost less in the UK than in the U.S. :-)

Spiders. I've get some pretty big ones and my dogs are excellent spider catchers. The real big ones here are called wolf spiders, they catch their prey by running across the ground - man are they fast (and icky!) The only problem is I think my ace spider-catcher (Abby) brings some of them inside the house from the garden! Yuch. At least they are dead when I find them.


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My cocker spaniel was "playing with" and eventually ate a spider a few years ago. We could see the spot where it bit the inside of her lip, then one side of her face swelled up...she looked awful. She started throwing up and had diarrhea also. We took her to the vet and they had to give her IV fluids and we had to put her on a BRAT diet for a couple days. I'm not sure what kind of spider it was, but we've been cautious ever since. (We knew she was better a few days later when she helped herself to some doughnuts from the kitchen table).


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Oh my, Angus'mum, that is horrible. I guess that would change my outlook on those 8-legged critters forever.

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Angus'mom, that is horrid! Was is just a typical house spider? Now I am getting really afraid - we sprayed last night, but still found two baby spiders this morning. And of course I keep feeling itchy and feeling like something is crawling on me and in my hair. :sick:

Do all spiders bite? :confused:

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Angus'mom, that is horrid!  Was is just a typical house spider? Now I am getting really afraid - we sprayed last night, but still found two baby spiders this morning.  And of course I keep feeling itchy and feeling like something is crawling on me and in my hair.  :sick:

Do all spiders bite?  :confused:


I'm sorry Milopup...I didn't want to scare anyone. I honestly am not sure what type of spider it was. This was about 5 years ago and it was my mom that mentioned the spider (I was at school at the time). I live in an older house now and we see our fair share of spiders in the basement but we haven't had a problem since.


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Okay I admit to watching the Sci Fi Channel, but I just had a horrible thought. What if a couple of baby spiders crawled into Bosco's ears? Is there a way to flush the ears out or should I take him to the vet? I am a worrywart, I apologize, but just the idea makes me cringe. :sick:

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He would definitely feel spiders in his ears...and let you know they were there. I don't think you have anything to worry about. :)

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Anytime Carolina sees a spider, it becomes her snack immediately! They're usually just the little house spiders and they don't bother her.

Kayharley, I am just like you. If I see a spider on the wall or ceiling, I just leave it alone but if it is "in the way" and the dog doesn't get to it, it gets put outside too! :thumbsup:

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